The Engima Book Series Breakfield and Burkey


It All started with The Enigma Factor


Author Bio’s

Breakfield – A renowned technology solutions architect with 25+ years of experience in security, hybrid data/telecom environments, unified communications, enjoys leveraging his professional skills in these contemporary TechnoThriller stories. He enjoys studying World War II his­tory, travel, and cultural exchanges everywhere he can. Even Charles’ love of wine tastings, cooking, and Harley riding has found ways into The Enigma Series. He has commented that being a part of his father’s military career in various outposts, has positively contributed to his many characters and the various character perspectives he explores in the stories. He has accepted the challenge to try to teach Burkey humor and has added this to the stories in an unexpected manner.


Burkey – A renowned customer experience, business architect optimizes customer solutions on their technology foundation. She has been a featured speaker, subject matter expert, interviewer, instructor, and author of technology documents, as well as a part of The Enigma Series. It was revealed a few years ago that writing fiction is a lot more fun than white papers or documentation. As a child she helped to lead the other kids with exciting new adventures built on make believe characters. As a Girl Scout until high school she also contributed to the community in the Head Start program. Rox enjoys family, learning, listening to people, any kind of travel, outdoors, sewing, cooking, and imagining the possibilities.


Breakfield & Burkey – Combine their professional expertise, knowledge of the world from both business and personal travels, many characters whom have crossed their paths and are now a foundation for the characters in their series.  They find it interesting to use the aspects of technology people are actually incorporating into their daily lives. Breakfield & Burkey claim this is a perfect way to create good guy/bad guy stories within their award-winning series to be enjoyed alone or in sequence.


You can invite them to talk about their stories in private or public book readings. Burkey also enjoys interviewing authors through the DEAR Texas programs with dates available on the events page of their website Followers can see them at Texas book fairs, Book Stores, Kroger stores, or other family oriented events.


The foundation of the series is on a family organization called the R-Group. Recently, they spawned a subgroup in the series which contains some of the familiar and loved characters as the Cyber Assassins Technology Services (CATS) team. They have ideas for continuing the series in both of these complementary tracks. You will discover over 150 characters with a hidden avenue for the future The Enigma Chronicles tagged in some portions of the stories.

Fan reviews seem to frequently suggest that these would make good television or movie stories, so the possibilities appear endless, just like their ideas for new stories. Fan’s comments have increased with the book trailers available on the Amazon, Kirkus, Facebook, and YouTube. Check out their evolving website at for new interviews, blogs, book trailers, and fun acronyms they’ve used in the stories. Coming soon The Enigma Factor in an audible version with Steven Jay Cohen bringing Breakfield & Burkey’s stories even closer. Contact directly at

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