Kate Frank – Rich Author Creator

Kate Frank – Rich Author Method Creator

My consciousness came to Kate Frank through the Nonfiction Authors Association. I had no real expectations prior to the interview. Being a self-published author myself piqued my interest. Once upon a time, I  interacted with Book coaches, editors and graphic artists to publish my first book the Journey of One.

Immediately I could see the interview would provide a great deal of value for all those who have a story, or information inside their soul who may not understand how to bring it to the world. Everyone has a story inside them to share with the world. The million-dollar question is, who is ready to hear the story.

Kate Frank Head shot

Kate Frank


Ghost Writer – Book Coach/Shephard = Kate Frank

Non- Fiction Books with a purpose

I inquired as to who is your perfect customer. Kate Frank replied, her focus is on the nonfiction writer. Non-fiction writer have a unique circumstance in the writing space. They provide content to inform an audience. Often the information new and veteran authors provide is not targeted enough to help the intended audience. Additionally, there can be a circumstance of though spew. Many writer’s words are not Engaging. 

I suffer from the dilemma of trying to be engaging myself, so it was refreshing to hear there are exercises to get to the meat of a subject and keep the audience engaged. Novice writers require a book coach, book shepherd or another objective person to help narrow the focus and intention for the intended reader. The problem for many non-fiction writers is the limited perspective of self-observation. You only see and may communicate the subject matter from their own narrow scope.

Kate Frank Body Shot

Kate Frank – Ghost Writer Rich Author Method


The Simple method, Use The Plan

  • Identify your Audience
  • Build your audience through trust
  • Who is your reader
  • Turn your topic into a business
  • Don’t write for an audience of one.
  • Don’t mind spew.

Identify your Audience

Kate is a strong proponent of finding who your information will resonate with the most. This audience identification is a critical key to the success of your works.

Build your audience through trust

Through Social media and related target audiences, social trust is important for insight and connection to your audience. YOu must participate in the life you want to live, meaning person to person or person to group live interaction helps you to build your tribe and audience. Think of it as grassroots campaigning. People have to know you are earnest and committed to what you are promoting. This involves commenting on blogs, groups, and communities that relate to your message.

Who is your reader

We have to face facts, most people don’t read to completion as they once did. Your information has to be truly engaging to keep eyes on the words. Finding your actual reader may be different than finding your audience. As a matter of fact, your reader will be individuals within your target demographic.

Turn your topic into a business

Your topic may lead you to all sorts of avenues to sustain your life and help others in the process. Speaking, video courses are all derivatives of the single act of writing your Non-fiction book for those who it will benefit.

Don’t write for an audience of one.

Often non-fiction books are written from a genuine place of love and caring, but the information may be skewed from your bias. It helps to have a good, book coach, ghostwriter, editor. These mentioned individuals help us to clarify our position so many can digest the content and write in a language for everyone to consume with vigor. They help us to get out of our own way.

Don’t mind spew or thought Vomit!

I have this mission statement to live by “Use your economy of words”, meaning you don’t have to use every word to convey a point. Just because you have the words does not mean you should use them all.


Kate and I have had several conversations since the podcast, and I understand the value she brings to help authors get clear and focused on the product inside them. Her interaction will bring ease and clarity to your projects formation and life.


About Kate Frank

A professional writer with decades of marketing expertise. Helping you share your story is what brings me joy and fulfillment. It’s her passion to collaborate with people who will change lives with their books because it is her own way to make an impact and leave a legacy. While she states she is not good at everything (like I’m tech-challenged and introverted) there are things I do very, very well. Helping you is a major attribute.

Authority Redefined.com

Ghostwriter/Editor for Passionate Thought Leaders

Who are Ready to Become a BOOK AUTHOR

Author, Speaker, Small Business Content Strategist


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