How to talk less and listen consciously.

How to talk less and listen consciously.


We often are so engrossed in the ego, Active listening becomes a side item. I have found this truth in myself and have been catching the error in my conversational ways.

Exercising the ability to be in the moment with conversations helps me and may help you to communicate far more effectively in your daily and overall like.  Often conversation is about perception. Certainly, there are times when we are the pusher of the conversation, and it feels a little off when someone you are trying to share a point of view with are simply waiting for their turn to talk.

I don’t want to be that guy any longer. Mind you it is a work in progress, particularly when in a dialogue.

Active Listening

Active listening and dialogue is a concept many have lost. My youngest daughter is the perfect example of nonactive listening.  Anna, who is my youngest daughter often decides to converse with me, I will be forced to be an active listener. I’ve learned to move the lessons learned from Miss Anna to adulting conversations. Often a voice will render me into an active state of listening. to better perceive the information someone is trying to impart to me.

Quieter people may also seem more intriguing to other persons during a conversation.

As a method of communicating reply with a sincere question versus an opinion, and see how your relationships change. Also smile more, not in the crazy eyes way though.  A conversation is an art form many have not mastered in our adult life. Some people are simply not comfortable and need to though vomit. Though vomit happens with me in micro does, but I recognize when I start being inconsiderate of my dialogue rules.


The Billionaire Lifestyle Podcast with Emmitt Muckles

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