Zena Contreras – 40 day living A Journey of Faith

Zena Contreras – 40 day living A Journey of Faith.

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Zena Contreras – Nothing holding her back

Nothing holds me back.

Faith and Career

Zena Contreras – 40 day living A journey of Faith in This Economy – This superwoman is the queen of making it happen. Hustle mode ON. Zena has so much information to help move forward positively through life.

Zena is an Author, Speaker, Coach and Intuitive with over twenty years of professional consulting and coaching experience. She is an expert in human resources, recruitment, human behavior, branding and business strategies with an emphasis on motivation.  Zena has a reputation for delivering and exceeding client’s expectations. She is recognized for her ability to identify individuals’ potential, uncover hidden beliefs and remove stumbling blocks.  She is a highly respected and her skills have been sought after and recognized by the following clients.

Zena Interview

Zena sat down with me for an interview over Skype detailing the journey of her life.  We all have a story, often not the representation most of us are programmed to think as normal. Zena is the product of a multicultural union from people of color from different backgrounds. Her Family lineage is derived from a Mexican father and a French Creole mother.  The result as described by Zena was a dysfunctional soup for all involved  Just trying to figure out where she fits into this world was a struggle early in Zena’s life.

Zena has a huge heart and spirit. Her connection with God and determination to make a difference drives her to raise the spirits of everyone she encounters.


Zena contributed her story of sexual abuse early in her childhood and the coping mechanisms developed to keep herself safe as possible before the age of ten. Detailing during our interview how she began skipping school during the time period of 2nd grade just to feel safe and rest because no one was home.  Eventually, Zena found refuge from a savior from a tutor who provided shelter and education for Zena.

The Path, The Journey

Zena found early on, specifically during her teenage years she is responsible to manifest her destiny. Miss Contreras starting in retail eventually moving her way up the latter by intelligence and determination resulting in working for fortune 500 companies.

Life throws curve balls at everyone, Zena was not immune. She faked it until she made it. Suffering financial hardship during the American financial crisis of 2008 provided Zena, with the inspiration to write 40 Day Living: In this Economy a journey of faith in this economy.





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