Your Voice is Your Power

Your Voice is Your Power with  Vocal Coach Leighanne Turner


Leighanne Turner spends her days living my dream as a Voiceover & Speaking Coach.

When I wear my Voiceover hat:

As a Voiceover Artist,  Leighanne loves providing vibrant, youthful, smooth-sounding vocal cords to entertain your ears by using my voice. The application of her voice is for adverts, explainer videos, e-learning courses, radio promos, podcasts, quotes, voicemails, and websites. She loves to use her voice to breathe life while adding the well-needed spark to any dead beat script. Her clients include Google, Adidas, Sony, Odeon (Central Europe), Meta4  and Costa to name but a few.

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Then when I throw on my Speaking Coach Hat:

I must say I love talking all about the voice, listening to a bunch of different accents and giving tips and hints on how to speak more effectively at work, home or social events. I help my clients through online courses, masterclass, audiobooks, and ebooks. I love it and you can hear the passion and tips in my weekly podcast.

Leighanne in the studio

Leighanne is global and has clients across the globe as a vocal coach and as a voice-over artist.




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