Wemi Opakunle Author of Thank God It’s Monday:

Wemi Opakunle

Author of Thank God It’s Monday:


Wemi Opakunle
Author of
Thank God It’s Monday:
52 Weekly Inspirational Messages to Blast Away Your Monday Blues

A Los Angeles-based motivational speaker and writer dedicated to the encouragement and empowerment of the human spirit. She is the author of Thank God It’s Monday: 52 Weekly Inspirational Messages to Blast Away Your Monday Blues. Born in Nigeria, Wemi moved to the United States with her family at 13 years old. After graduating from the University of Maryland with a bachelor’s degree in Government & Politics and French, she put her childhood dream of becoming a lawyer on hold when she realized that she was being called to tread a path unbeaten. She has since launched a fashion company, created a successful blog, appeared as a fashion expert in several media outlets, and interviewed quite a few of the industry’s heavy hitters. Outside of her day job as a talent recruiter for one of the world’s most prominent entertainment brands, Wemi spends her time spreading the message of hope, finding spiritual balance, and encouraging others to live their lives to their fullest potential.



The thought of Monday for most people means fear, anxiety, unfulfilled dreams, endless to-do lists, and a stagnant life situation. How do you deal with these challenges when your soul is running on empty? Thank God It’s Monday delivers weekly shots of wisdom, inspiration, and encouragement to get you through the “hardest” day of the week.

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Email: info@thankgoditsmonday.life

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