W.T. Hamilton – One Chapter Book series

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W.T. Hamilton – One Chapter Book series

W.T. Hamilton is the creator of the world’s first One Chapter Book series, helping driven entrepreneurs solve business problems One Chapter book at a time. He is a business consultant, author, and speaker based in London On Canada.

W.T. Hamilton is the award-winning author of The Harsh Truths and the creator of the world’s first ONE Chapter Book series. Helping driven entrepreneurs solve business problems ONE Chapter Book at a time.

Taking risks and pushing the limits is what excites W.T. as an author. He also loves the freedom and creativity self-publishing gives him, keeping him engaged, inspired, and focused on sharing.

His many years of experience as a manager in the corporate world, along with his years of experience as a business management consultant and entrepreneur gives him an abundance of insight and real-world knowledge to offer and gift through his writings.

In 2019 he was honored with an award from Readers’ Favorite, for his book, The Harsh Truths, traveling to Miami to experience the award ceremony and accept his first award in writing.

He is also the co-author of the Your Invincible Power book series, which he wrote with his Mom, Pamela Hamilton. Helping people gain a better understanding of how to apply the Law of Attraction to their lives.

He has written 6 books in the YIP series and 7 books in the ONE Chapter book series, continuing to share his insight in daring and risky ways.

‘My main focus is to serve others, through the various way, to help them live the life of their dreams, in a fun and powerful way’ – W.T. Hamilton

Check out this episode on the Billionaire Lifestyle Podcast!

W.T Hamilton on YOUTUBE


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Visit our website: https://yourinvinciblepower.com/

Check out my Amazon author page http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00YY0S4KK
“The more limits we remove from our minds the more the impossible becomes possible”
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