Valerie Mrak – Story Teller – Creative spirit

Valerie Mrak – Storyteller – Creative spirit

Storyteller Valerie Mrak

She is a TEDx speaker,, workshop leader, and trainer, on moving from conflict to possibility in the home, school, workplace, and community. She traveled the world interviewing Nobel Peace Laureates and working with former gang leaders/former violent offenders on tools for transforming hatred, violence, and anger into cooperation, synergy, and acceptance. The workshop is called Conflict to Possibility: Breakthrough to Action. She coaches individuals who take her training and workshops in furthering their skills in using the 6 tools of Conflict as Possibility in every aspect of their lives.


Ms. Mrak produced the Telly Award-winning documentary Shadow Over Tibet: Stories in Exile, a film about Tibetan immigrants in America and India, striving to maintain their religion and culture in exile. It is narrated by Richard Gere and aired nationally on PBS.

Valerie served as media director for Youth Technology Corps, where she sparked a 5-year US-Mexico youth documentary exchange. She produced documentaries for mitigation experts and defense attorneys that provide juries with a vital understanding of the early lives and environments of defendants being considered for the death penalty. Her work contributed to juries and judges choosing alternative sentences over death for her clients’ cases.

Story Teller

She is a storyteller with Indian Storytellers, where she co-leads storytelling workshops and tells original stories at public performances around the Chicago region. Valerie has been a storyteller with the National Park Service, relating traditional folk tales as well as regional favorites.


Mrak is a Toastmasters International contest winner at the Club, Area, and Division level. She is a Professional Level member of Engaging Speakers. Valerie is a past president of Women in Film/Chicago and was named in Today’s Chicago Woman as one of “100 Women to Watch”.

You can contact Valerie at: • 773-255-1425

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