Jan Moore The Blue Print Changer – Follow Your Dreams
We live in the greatest time in human history. You can now create a blueprint to follow your dream. Many opportunities and choices are afforded to the average individual. With so many choices available today many people have a tough time deciding their life path. Choosing a “Life Coach” is often a way to clear your vision, enabling individuals to see the forest and the trees composing the forest.
When Choosing a partner to help you through your life vision problems, what are the requirements necessary to choose a competent coach? Unlike choosing a plumber or mechanic, of which most of the competent signs are more obvious, life coaches can be a slightly more daunting task to fit your cause.
Janet Moore is a life coach who brings a certain skill set to the fray. No liking be labeled a life coach, she would like to define herself as a personal spiritual empowerment and intuitive success coach. Another vision of Jan is a personal blueprint expert. Helping people to define their personal blueprint, enabling a clearer path to personal goals and objective.
Most coaches understand their clear direction when it comes to their clients. These individual coaches understand their personal scope in working with clients and their way to achieving positive personal resolution.
Life coaches are today’s equivalent of the village wise person, possessing the ability to objectively look at an individual without emotional bias. These are the individual who helps us to see our perceived roadblocks are merely a mirage of our imagination.
Jan Moore is that person who has lived and moved in several circles of life, providing a unique perspective for The Billionaire Lifestyle audience and the public. She has been had several positions in IT, Social media Marketing and lived in several countries. The experience gained from working a project manager and business owner provides Jan with information concerning how people, personal communications, and mindset are the driving forces behind some of our success.
She has a natural drive for helping people grow and be their best. During her years as a manager for various companies, she had an epiphany. The world does not mimic her view and thoughts. Put another way, we don’t always align in perspectives although we are experiencing the same experience. These times of managing for other companies was the proving ground Jan needed later in life.
Enter The Secret
The Movie and book Titled The Secret was an eye-opening benchmark for many people across the world. Jan and I agree, while The Secret was based on some wonderful principle, it fell short for its overall delivery and seem more of a marketing campaign. Nonetheless, Jan was forever changed by here experienced with the project.
The Secret Trilogy
Better Start Living.
After the experience and consciousness opening from The Secret, Jan set out to live on purpose. Her mission was to help people discover their Blueprint and be the best they can in this life. Moving forward required Jan to pick up and move across the globe to the Colorado enabling a space of broader opportunities and more open minds.
Our conversation covering the journey, past present and future for Jan. The Podcast is a great insight into the philosophy created by living life ultimately on her particular terms, aided by methods to help the public remove life roadblocks.
Jan Moore
Intuitive Success Coach, Author, Speaker & Trainer
Radio Show Host – The Conscious Living Show
Click Here to get your F.R.E.E. copy of my Dream Achievers Success Kit
aSmilingWorldMedia.com & SuccessFrequency.com
Radio Show Host – The Conscious Living Show
Business and Marketing Coach/Consultant
Jan Moore’s open Bio:
Jan Moore is a Spiritual Empowerment and Intuitive Success Coach known as the ‘people seer’ and ‘blueprint changer’. She helps heart-centered change makers, entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals become unstoppable and achieve success in life and business. As a certified life and executive coach, she helps her clients reach their highest potential and fulfill their purpose by clearing the limiting beliefs that sabotage their success and awakening their self-love. She helps them appreciate who they truly are and what they are here to do and teaches them how to manifest the big vision for their life.
Unstoppable You,
Jan has developed:
- Creating the Unstoppable You” blueprint for success
- Dream Achievers Success Kit
- Unstoppable Success Strategies
- Empowered Manifestation
- co-hosts The Conscious Creating Show on Cosmic Reality Radio (cosmicreality.com)
- co-hosted The Conscious Living Show on Blog Talk Radio (blogtalkradio.com/asmilingworld).
For over 20 years Jan worked in corporate IT and consulting, leading high-performance teams and delivering multi-million dollar projects. Afterward, she left to start her own business in 2004 as an internet and business consultant. She became a certified internet consultant to small businesses, designing websites and providing online marketing services. It was the dawn of social media and she wrote her first book “Social Media Marketing in 30 Minutes a Day” to help businesses leverage the power of social media.
Jan is also a lifelong horse lover and studied equine psychology and behavior during the process of rehabilitating her Andalusian (Spanish) gelding, who was labeled “so dangerous he could kill you, kill himself or kill both of you”. Her experience with her horse was a game changer for Jan and in 2005 it led her down a path to explore spirituality, consciousness, metaphysics, manifestation and universal laws.
Coming to America
In 2009 her life changed completely when she and her husband Bill left the UK and move to the USA creating, the 7-day Festival of Enlightenment, held in Estes Park, Colorado in June 2011. The Festival was an experiment in manifestation and she and Bill ‘stepped outside the box’ to achieve what many people said was impossible.
It was also in 2009 that she realized her true calling was as a coach/mentor and spiritual teacher. Since then she has been sharing her extensive experience in life and business. Sharing her knowledge of psychology personality, and spiritual teaching with her clients to inspire them to step into their power. Providing a method for her clients to live their truth and achieve their dreams.
After nearly 40 years’ experience in international corporations and small businesses, and having overcome many deeply challenging personal experiences, Jan provides a powerful mix of creative solutions and intuitive guidance, sprinkled with spiritual and metaphysical principles, to transform her clients and take them to a level of success they’ve been dreaming of, but perhaps didn’t truly believe was possible.
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