Back to basics for Billionaire LifestyleHealth

Organic food is the key to life of healthy living

photo credit: hy-vee via photopin (license)

The Billionaire Lifestyle is not solely about  finances, it’s about optimum lifestyle. Mind, body and spirit are three components of lifestyle. To design your lifestyle will require devoting attention to all three areas. This article will focus on one of the most important components, our physical health in the terms of nutrition knowledge.

To live the Billionaire Lifestyle requires living as healthy as possible, enjoying life at your maximum potential. Our primary job is keeping that Billionaire Body of yours in excellent shape, because without good health life is pretty dull.

We live in a society plagued with Diabetes, Hypertension/high blood pressure, and other issues. Daily, exposure to constant environmental stress, thousands of untold physical and psychological intrusions and enemies to our well-being. As responsible people, we have to focus critical attention towards our lives, the lives of our family members and communities. Awareness and education is a key component as we move forward daily. Each day we are bombarded with new attacks that once seem to never exists. So we will look at a few things to stay ahead of the game.

growing options for quick food some healthy some not.

growing options for quick food some healthy some not.

photo credit: Food Truck via photopin (license)

The average American regardless of age, can be grouped and for the most part are considered physically unhealthy compared to many other industrialized nations around the world. Americans have a higher representation of many of the unhealthy preventable disorders statistically. Considering the available amount of available premium healthcare, the United States of America should be the pentacle representation of world health.

Many people are pissed that Obamacare has given an unwanted tax for mandatory American healthcare, but considering many other nations provide healthcare at a serious public tax, our direct financial tax seems to be the greatest, because it has been imposed upon the American public without consent from the public.  I’m not versed in Obamacare, because I have private health insurance so there is little I can really say to promote or defend Obamacare. My short point is, it would be awesome if we were to become so healthy per capita, Obamacare would have little impact, or be relevant.

There is also a belief concerning the American Health Care system of being in the business of treating symptoms and managing pain instead of prevention and eradicating such physical health problems. Prevention is a far less expensive option for the American public’s health, in addition prevention does not drive the big prescription business profits for the pharmaceutical companies.

Here is my recent two cents. Recently I have gained respect for vitamins, and supplements which may be due to the inability to gain the proper nutrients from most of the available food consistently in my life. Mainly the my change of heart came from experimentation and body hacks from symptoms I was battling which have subsided from old sports injuries because of the vitamins and healthier choices I have made. I simply had to be conscious of what was happening to me physically, and emotionally. One simple blood test informed me of a serious vitamin D deficiency. Correcting the levels had a dramatic change, for instance I have not had a common cold in two and a half years, while being seriously exposed to the virus, in addition not suffering from the dreaded winter blues.

Hungry For Change Official Trailer from foodmatters on Vimeo.

Health vs Weight

The most noticeable indication of health in the United States is weight. With unhealthy weight considerations riding on one of two sides of a coin being malnourished or obese. Many Americans can easily fall on both sides of a weighted coin, being both malnourished and obese. On unofficial average American must be past the 95th percentile. Comparing the United States weight and BMI (body mass index) against most nations of the world we are simply obese. Many adults under 30 years of age considered grossly obese. This fact is particularly true within the poor and African-American communities. Fat adults, fat children and fat babies are common. The impact can be seen and felt everywhere in our society with afflictions and manifestations of an unhealthy society. Many people die in this country due to complication of obesity who must be placed in XXL caskets. WHAT! Personally, I can clearly remember when as a child it was uncommon to be in the presence of someone who weighed over 250 lbs. Today typical adult body weight exceeding 230 lbs is common place in The United States for both men and women. Let me add this into the conversation, while we have access to a better variety and quality of nutrition, the opposite is also true, with low quality food being far more accessible to the masses. We have abundant access to quick, easy, accessible food, but not quality nutrition.  The more affordable, healthier nutrition options are harder to locate and far more expensive. I love Whole Foods, but dam they are expensive.

Our wonderfully designed human bodies have been programmed to function for the most part from the naturally occurring products of this Earth. Humans historically gain food sources from items grown and prepared versus processed and preserved to survive 6 months or more in storage. We even had a relationship with the livestock used to provide nutrition. Don’t get me wrong I too am meat eater, but the processing of our modern food we consume is out of hand, with us feeling processed food is the primary choice. We have evolved over thousands of years to work in tandem with the natural process of food development. Today’s genetically modified foods may be only providing a short term solution and causing a long term problem. The jury is still out on a conclusion.

Healthy choices and portions

Healthy choices and portions

A little History

Within industrialized nations, populations of people congregate in densely congested areas constituting our major cities. Once upon a time it was uncommon to have an area packed with 8 million or more people such as the metropolitan city of Chicago or Detroit (my reference points). Most of the industrialized nations societies consisted of agricultural communities which were far less populated than the modern cities of today. People historically had a local relationship to food and nutrition. Thanks to genetic engineering materials handling and food processing, all foods are available 365 days of the year in America, which is a very very new phenomena. If a good was not in season, it was not available, period.

I said all that to point out people once had an intimate relationship with the nutrition in their lives. Today most of us have an estranged relationship from our nutrition or food source. The closest relationship many of us have is the organic, or non-GMO choice when shopping, which can be sometimes twice the price of less nutritionally sound food choices as I said previously. Back in the day if a chicken what eaten, it was alive not more than 48 hours previously. We simple don’t have a relationship or true understanding of the things going into our bodies, the awesome human temple. It is best to try to understand at least a little of what nature intended to provide for our physical growth and maintenance.

Did you know?:

The physical size of serving plates has increased from an average of 8 inches to more than 12 inches in the past 30 years.

Meat as the main focus is a recent change in the food portion and diet.

Sugar is a staple in food today like oxygen is in air (new phenomena).

American school lunches are no longer cook but combined or reheated.

Modern food portions are contain more calories with less satisfaction.

To make the lifestyle journey viable and fruitful for the masses, we have to take care of our temple, which means we cannot always trust what is presented in the media and public at large as good. Marketing to the public is largely propaganda to influence the behavior of the public. There are great documentaries available on and other  streaming services to help educate us on the items we are consuming and the effects on our bodies.

To live The Billionaire Lifestyle you have to be able to function optimally. Understanding the energy and growth source driving our life is essential. I want the best for us all, so you can honestly experience the grandeur of LIFE in The Billionaire Lifestyle.


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