pay yourself

Tracee Sioux – Just Say YES

Please listen to this Interview, I laughed so much and had so much fun with Tracee. Tracee Sioux is the author of a book titled “The Year of Yes” and “The Girl Revolution Manifesto”.  No nonsense approach is Tracee’s best weapon, she puts it in your face guiding your progress.  We all need to just…

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The Billionaire Lifestyle Podcast

Building content is not an easy task, but I figured it is better to give you several types of content than to just write post. I spend a great deal of time traveling, and the content medium I use the most for entertainment and learning are podcast. I have hosted several podcast over the years…

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Join The Movement, promote Positive wealthy ain't all about Money.

I need to know there are other people who believe Life is not about money, its about living. If you are not a Money billionaire but WEALTHY in Life and Style. Please leave me a 'Nod of Approval' by spreading the word and signing up to the the Blog. Thank you so Much!