
Naked States of America New Nudist 101 It Ain’t about Swinging (NSFW)

Naked States of America New Nudist 101- It Aint about Sex or Swinging (no pun intended) – maybe NSFW. But they don’t have clothes on. In America, the first thing that people think about when they are confronted with a live nude mature adult human body is thoughts related to sex and lust. We live…

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Interview with Jane Aireton “Work it Out In A Week”

Work it out in a week  book series with Jane Aireton Listen To The Podcast HERE! Jane Aireton is an English author with the book series titled “Work it out in a week” with different topics such as money, weight loss, and even Christmas. I had the honor of interviewing Miss Jane Aireton about her…

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Presidential Election Conversation With My Friend Robert Kamin When the election of Presidential elect Donald Trump unfolded before my eyes I was surprised to say the least. I could not understand how it happened, particularly due to the fact at the beginning of the campaign it was almost a running joke to many people who did not take Donald Trumps candidacy seriously….

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Interview Co-Working Space Provider Eric Zosso.

What does small college town with the population of less than 40,000 do with a Co-working space?  The answer is, build a community. I began hearing about Co-working spaces in 2009 after the financial collapse of 2008. I was one of those people directly impacted by the wall street crash and found myself in the…

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