Susan Orosco – 8 ways love your Life


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love your life

8 ways to say I love my life


Susan Orosco –  Is the organizer, writer, and publisher of 8 ways to say I love my Life.

love your life 101

Loving yourself is the topic of many self-help books published in the market for consumers, but I wonder how many people love their life they actually own. This blog and podcast is titled The Billionaire Lifestyle. The purpose is to help people identify and see the options for crafting a self-driven lifestyle. Susan Orosco made a point very clear to me during our interview, Her book, 8 ways to say I love my life, is exactly that, about loving the LIFE you are living.

Why a book about loving your LIFE?

Susan displayed so much energy and passion as she shared with me how the book came together from eight different women. As Susan and I spoke about the contributors of the 8 ways book, I asked how difficult was the process of getting eight women to share their pain a struggle with the world? Susan gave me some insight concerning the process of having everything lined up then losing 3 individuals immediately because of the intimacy and raw emotion they would have to share. With a driving intent, she was able to find three people willing to give their soul to help this project succeed and feed the world.

Sharing emotions is not easy. We have this notion in some cultures which is, to show emotion and vulnerability is a sign of weakness when actual strength is necessary to share your life and emotion.

Susan said this project was born out of hope. Hope to inspire people not to just love themselves but the experiences past present and future, making the whole of living.

Ask yourself Several questions or open the discussion from the bullets below:

  • Do you have a dream?
  • Do you have a goal; a desire or maybe it’s an experience you want really bad?  
  • Do you stay up nights thinking about it, yet you struggle with feelings of unworthiness, procrastination or just plain resistance to a wonderful idea?
  • Do you want it, but you don’t know what to do about the very loud and persistent obstacles that stand between you and your most cherished goal? 
  • Are you tired of being let down?
  • Do you often feel like just walking away? It doesn’t have to be that way. Living a life of wealth can often be as simple as changing your perspective.
  • What if you learned that your dreams want you just as much as you want them?
  • What if you discovered there is nothing wrong with you? And that even the fears that block and prevent your dreams …want you to awaken from the illusion of who you are not!
    And remember instead who you really are!
  • What if you were to discover that your most cherished dream is part of your life purpose and your spiritual assignment?
  • What if you learned that the entire universe is supporting you and your dream?
  • Could you still walk away? Or would you be willing to get past the fears and doubts …and rescue your dream.

Available on Amazon:

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If you need motivation

The stories within 8 ways to say I love my life may be the key to start your spiritual engine. The book is designed to help you find your inner power, by using others who may have experienced something close to your heart. Susan draws from here personal experience of being Mexican in the Midwest American at a time being different was not easy, to say the least.

You may contact Susan Orosco:



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