Sonya and Sacha -Parent-Adolescent Communication

Parent-Adolescent Communication

Sonya, and Sacha are the dynamic duo of speaking, communicating and reaching tweens, teens and young adults in Australia. Their mission is to empower parents and their children with the power of communication and openness to fortify lasting relationships and rear great adults in today’s world.

Different but the same time.

Generations tend to look at those who follow with a separation. It can be stated, people are people, but the times are different. Sonya and Sacha understand adults are really people who forgot they are honestly big children. Sonya will quickly admit she is a big kid with serious responsibilities.

Adults tend to think they are truly relatable to teens, but the reality is we adults are products of the time. How many adults look back and dream of being younger, because of the fun times. Those fun times are not over, just the hands on the life clock have moved to a new position.

Sonya and Sacha on the Billionaire Lifestyle Podcast interview

Audio Player

The door is always open.

Adults don’t feel receptive to being talked down to, no more than teens and preteens, but we often do this very thing to our children. Often it can be cultural, or just programming. Kids today are faced with so much information to process and are compounded by the feeling g there is no one to confide without judgment.

Kids today are being judged and programmed to accept the judgment. So the expectation of judgment from authority figures is an added stress.Sonya and Sacha provide help for kids understanding there is a way for them to connect with their parents.

Communication not judgment

Communicating with your children and teaching them life lessons is a precarious act.  Hormones, peer pressure and too much information can cause children to shut down and hide from their parents. This moment in history is critical to bolstering communication and trust between parent and child. To save the future we must really connect with our children now.

Sonya and Sacha.

TV Show 


About Sonya and Sacha from their website:

Australia’s leading experts in a wide range of the adolescent and family issues Sonya and Sacha are Australia’s leading experts and speakers in a wide range of the adolescent and family issues Australian society is faced with today. The friends and colleagues have a mission to open up taboo discussion topics with people across Australia with a down to earth attitude – determined to make “Talking about the tough stuff easy”. Sonya & Sacha are the most experienced speakers in their field sharing their deep and entertaining insight into young peoples issues, openly tackling what most people will not – with a positive and humane approach designed to break down barriers and assist young people in their quest for acceptance. Both women separately speak to more than 300 secondary schools each year in Australia. They bring an open discussion to the table including safe partying, careers, drugs and alcohol, self-esteem, bullying and cyber bullying, teamwork, leadership, body image, relationships as well as running parent and teacher seminars.

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