Sabrina Osso – Stop Domestic Violence

Sabrina Osso – Domestic Violence Eradication

Sabrina Osso is the founder and CEO of Osso Safe, started to bring awareness and eradication of domestic violence in the home, workplace, and schools.

During our interview, asking how domestic violence became her calling set us of a review of her history. Sabrina was raised in a home where she witnessed first-hand domestic violence and the effects upon the lives of those who bear the brunt of violence in the home.

A surprising historical fact given about the history of direct violence against women can be traced back to the rise of currency. Monetization led to the commoditization of women had a direct effect on the way women were treated a revered in many societies.

Why people hide their abuse

It is a known fact many men and women who suffer personal violence feel a great deal of shame for the situations upon which they have endured.  The effects of Domestic violence and bullying have a lasting effect on the people who take the brunt of these forced actions.

Osso Safe Founder Sabrina Osso

Sabrina Osso – Osso Safe founder


We can all help.

The common practice of minding our own business may be deadly to someone who is suffering in silence. Offering an escape, place of rest or finding an option for those you may encounter will go a long way for those needing to escape domestic violence.

Domestic violence extends past physical violence, manifesting in emotional and psychological abuse. Sabrina pointed to the warning signs to look for in relationships.  Additionally, Sabrina provided statistic related to the monetary cost associated with domestic violence. The monetary cost is huge and relatively silent.

To hear the true-life account of a Domestic Violence survivor visit the Interview I did on the Billionaire Lifestyle with Tori Tolbert


Visit Sabria’s Website

for more information concerning her project and how to help those in need.



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2 comments on Sabrina Osso – Stop Domestic Violence

  1. Tonnatte Defreitas says:

    I am a victim of domestic violence. I am desperately seeking supporters who understand as my situation is often ignored. The abuse is subtle and hard to imagine that anyone could master such cunning plotts with the intent to regularly cause me harm.For my abuser it has become a practical sport. My attempts to negotiate results to more abuse. In my sincere humility, I am asking for options toward a pathway out. This case is a frightening reality. My supporters are also my victimizers. I have been exploited by my sibblings and often have to look over my shoulder, out of paranoia of being unjustifiably incriminated. This would be linked to one of the most horrific stories of violence ever told. Any consideration or compassion will be highly honored.May God Bless You.

    1. Maurice Johnson says:

      I would like to help you tonnatte. In today’s day and age everyone needs an out. Please contact me

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