Nina R. Schluntz – New Book Enukara

Enukara Book Series (Dragon Shifters)

Nina R Schluntz is an imaginative author who has brought alien dragons to planet earth, who can shapeshift and interact with humans and develop meaningful romantic relationships. Nina’s romance novels are published by ManLoveRomance Press and always have a happy ending, such as her other titles Kale’s Paroxysm and Not a Big Deal. She also has a short story in the “Hope for Pulse” anthology. Nosy Neighbors, which is her first paranormal romance and due out soon is my first book in a romance series about shape-shifting dragons, The Enukara.

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She is a native to rural Nebraska. In her youth, she often wrote short stories to entertain her friends. Those ideas evolved into the novels she creates today.
Her husband continues to ensure her stories maintain a touch of realism as she delves into the science fiction and fantasy realm. And their kitty, a rescued Abyssinian, is always willing to stay up late to provide inspiration.

Nina delves into relationships from the point of beings versus gender. The dragons have the ability to shapeshift into very human form. Her biggest worry was the reference to same-gender relationships regarding how her local community would perceive her art.

Here series started as one book, but after two years of writing the first book, the book began to become too long. She reached a point where she had to simply stop writing. Her audience did not appreciate the ending, therefore the book was split in two.

Author Nina R. Schluntz

Reading your own book – Editing

Nina shares her journey. Initially, she was editing her own book but during the process, Nina came to the conclusion if the script could not keep her attention during the many edits, how could it keep her audience’s attention. Additionally, the edits were taking a toll on the writing, so an editor was found.


Shapeshifting dragons come from space to invade and become immortal and over time begin to fall in love. We discussed the various forms and sizes of the dragon characters, to which Nina stated it depends on the age of the dragon.

Insights from the Conversation

  • Got with a publisher if you are new to understand the process.
  • Learn the process for quality and slow down.
  • Find several editors.
  • Work with several graphic artists.

You can find Nina on Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter.
Her blog,, has updates on any current or upcoming novels. Additionally contains thoughts on her most recent reads and movie viewings.

Nina’s Books

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