Mentally Attract Money Guru -James Goi Jr

James Goi Jr., AKA The Attract Money Guru (TM), is the internationally-published author of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power. He has written more books now and will begin publishing them in 2017. James also publishes the free monthly ‘Mind Power & Money Ezine’ which one can subscribe to at Oh, and he’s a songwriter.

Money Mindset journey of James Goi Jr

James is from New Jersey originally he independently journeyed to California Landing in the San Diego area.  and Grow Rich and other metaphysical books that worked on the mind-body-spirit connection. during this time he began to ponder as well as others began to question him asking if these things can work in manifesting things in our life why can’t they manifest money.  James asserts that the mind can create money in your own life but you have to know the actions to take to show for them to manifest. During this time James began speaking on the metaphysical bookstore circuit about the very Concepts he has been studying which is how to manifest things with your mind ultimately James authored a book how to manifest money using mind power.

The Money Mindset book

The book how to add how to manifest money using mind power came out of inquiries during his speaking travels.  Often individuals would speak with James Goi jr and ask why does this not work for money. They would also Express, I have manifested the house that I want, the partner that I want, and health, why can I not manifest the money in my life?

James had a very fundamental understanding that anyone can manifest money with their mind. He has manifested money in his own life using the power of his mind. James’s book was not an easy task as it required 9 years of investment for him to complete the project.

The wisdom of the book

James says there is nothing really new in the book, it is the knowledge that has been passed down by the mystics and wisdom of the ages.  He has just condensed the information and presented it in a single format for anyone to read. The difference in this book is that he’s tailored these practices specifically to attract money through the power of the Mind.

Quick Points of the interview

  • The Mind can be used to attract money
  • Each individual must change their overall mindset to attract money.
  • Mental and physical money blockages must be removed.
  • The intent is a key component for attracting anything especially money.
  • Be very specific to you what and why have a vision.
  • Money thoughts must be positive or at least neutral.
  • Know what you want.
  • Speak as if.

James Goi Jr Bio

James Goi Jr., aka The Attract Money Guru™, is the bestselling author of How to Attract Money Using Mind Power—a book that set a new standard for concise, no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point self-help books. He condenses and simplifies abstract metaphysical concepts and powerful success principles, making this life-changing information accessible to everyone. James has thus far written ten books. You can see James in the groundbreaking docudrama, Think and Grow Rich: The Legacy. For more info and to receive a free gift, visit

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