Lucie B Lindner Jump Rope Champ

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Lucie B! Lindner Jump Rope Champ

Lucie B! Lindner  equals  a fun way to weight loss while watching television, listening to you favorite uptempo music from almost anywhere. You may be wondering what magic cure for the weight loss conditioning I am referring?

The magic of your childhood and all professional boxers use the same method for helping coordination, conditioning,  just plain having fun. I am writing this article for you about Jump Roping, and the 7 time  champion at Jump Roping. Lucie B! Holds is National Jump Rope champion in single rope speed, endurance and power (2005-2013).

I found the term jump rope is a referred at skipping rope in other parts of the world, but in America is simply Jump rope. Looking back, most adults, particularly men associate jumping rope with an activity for little girls. If you look even vaguely at the world of sports particularly elite sports people jumping rope is a widely used conditioning activity. Every boxer and MMA fighter use jumping rope as a conditioning and coordination drill to help their performance.

Many Crossfit competition include jumping rope as an event or a qualifier. This activity test you speed, balance, timing and motor skills form an activity used by children.


Lucie B Lindner, 49, native New Yorker, author of ‘Big Bottom Blues’, Entrepreneur, and Creator of Lucie B Jump N Fun Jump Rope Fitness programs in NYC /Stockholm and *F3G* Girl Empowerment Brand. She is a USA Regional, National and World Jump Rope Champion in Single Rope Speed and Power (2005 – 2013). Lucie B is the Arnold Schwarzenegger Jump Rope Champion (2013 and 2015) winning 5 Gold Medals in the Single Rope Speed, Power, and Endurance. She has been featured in numerous Newspapers and TV programs in New York, including Fox 5 TV, WB11, Radio Disney, LillaSportspegeln, TV4 Nyhetsmorgon, OstermalmsNytt and the June 2016 Edition of Live Happy Magazine.

Lucie B has been teaching, training and coaching children of all ages, shapes, sizes and physical abilities for over 12 years. Lucie B Jump N Fun was uniquely created to teach kids the art, skill, and sport of jump roping. Lucie B designed her programs to be cardio-endurance-specific, but a ton of fun! Lucie B stresses the importance of Team Work in an atmosphere of love, respect, and happiness. Lucie B Jump N Fun is much more than a JUMP ROPE exercise’s about teaching kids to be Strong, Powerful and Self Confident.

In 2004, Lucie B walked away from a career in Medicine to create a unique business based on her talents, that bring health, wellness, and joy to kids from the USA to Europe. Now, Lucie B has created a new Jump rope team called Team *SheRoes* which comprises of women ages 64 to 80. The goal is to show and prove that neither Size, Shape Nor Age can deter women from being the absolute Best…Champions! Age is nothing but a number!

Lucie B published her first book, ‘Big Bottom Blues’ in May 2016. It is her personal story of Childhood Sexual Abuse, how it impacted her life and how she fought back! ‘Big Bottom Blues’ was written for every man, woman, and child who has been affected by Sexual Abuse and to give them hope and courage to speak up and tell their story.

Lucie B!, yes there is an exclamation mark at the end of her name (even though i said apostrophe in the opening credits…DUH)> Lucie left a career in medicine to follow here passion. If you check her YouTube channel there are 1500 video example of Lucie B! in action. Lucie displays a passion for Jump rope like non I have ever witnessed in this life. She has imparted some great information for those new novice jump ropers to get started with:

  • Proper technique
  • Proper shoes
  • Proper surface area
  • Types of Rope to use (Gear)
  • Most important Health Benefits.
  • Type of music to use.

We were conversing at 6 am CST and 1 pm Sweden GMT+1. The experience was organic to say the least as she details what led her to Sweden, and representing her borough in New York(Queens).

Lucie B Lindner (@LucieBJumpnFun) on Twitter

The transcription will follow the posting by a few days as it requires a great deal of time to compile.


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