Lora Cheadle – Flaunt Your Fetish
Flaunt New Book by Lora Cheadle
A former attorney turned author, speaker, coach and radio personality Lora Cheadle empowers women to stay happy, balanced and anxiety-free no matter what external circumstances they face. With a unique combination of intellect and humor, she encourages women to reveal their smart, sexy, and spiritual selves in all that they do, so they can fall back in love with who they are and find satisfaction and fulfillment in the everyday. Integrating her unique identities as an attorney, hypnotherapist, and aficionado of all things dance and fitness related, Lora works with women worldwide to reveal and accept themselves as they are, not as they think they should be.
Life Choreographer
As a Life Choreographer, Lora is the creator of FLAUNT! and Find Your Sparkle coaching programs, workshops, and destination retreats, which utilize the concepts found in burlesque to show women how to playfully release self-judgment and integrate their beauty, brains, and beliefs into everything they do. She is the founder of the FLAUNT! Follies, a dance troupe for women of all ages and abilities, and the FLAUNT Flock Facebook group.
Named an Exceptional Woman of Excellence by the Women Economic Forum in India in 2019, as well as the plenary speaker on Reclaiming Voice With Validation, she is beloved for her ability to provide practical tools as well as profound insight to those facing any type of transition. Her book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy and Spiritual Self is being released on November 5th, 2019. She has written for Elephant Journal, co-authored the book The Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Teenage Parents in law school, and has a top-rated radio show, FLAUNT! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle.
About Lora
A lover of the outdoors, she lives in Colorado with her husband and has two amazing sons. To learn more about Lora and her female-empowerment speaking and coaching programs, visit her website at loracheadle.com or find her across all social media.
My Backstory, My Why:
Looking back over history, women have always banded together, taking care of each other, supporting and defending each other against outside forces and creating a sacred net of knowledge, wisdom, and love. We tended to each other in birth, marriage, death and shared in child-rearing and chores.
Somewhere along the line this sisterhood got lost and women began fighting amongst themselves, betraying each other in an attempt to achieve power and status, trading in their innate, collective feminine wisdom for a masculinized set of rules, intellect, and structure. Not that those rules, intellect, and structures were necessarily wrong, but they created discord, dissatisfaction, and disconnection within the tribe of collective womanhood.
This disconnection has been our collective downfall. I believe that most of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational and career “issues” faced by the modern woman are a result of this disconnection from the tribe (as I call it, flock) of womanhood.
Lora – My work
My work, my book, and my WHY is healing this collective tribe, one woman at a time, making women aware of what happened, what masks they have been wearing, what pain they are covering, what blocks they are bumping up against, who they are unmasked and naked, and what they can do to re-choreograph their lives in order to step back into the innate, feminine wisdom and flow. I teach women how to trust their own wisdom, the collective wisdom of womanhood and how to flourish in all areas of life, no matter what their story and no matter what their experience.
Many women spend their lives mildly discontent, always doing everything for everyone else, often at their own expense. I help women learn how to put themselves back into the lives they have worked so hard to create, so they can find the joy, satisfaction and fulfillment they crave.
Through the Five Steps of FLAUNT! (and the magic of burlesque!) women develop the ability to be okay with themselves, with others and with whatever happens in their lives. From this state of Unconditional Acceptance, they are able to FLOURISH, find their SPARKLE and live the lives of their dreams.
During the Podcast
- FLAUNT? What is that exactly?
- What does it mean to “find your sparkle?”
- Are you someone who has always lived her sparkle?
- Judgment from self and others is kind of a big thing for a lot of women. The importance of developing rock-solid confidence so you will never be unhinged by negativity again?
- What is Naked Self-Worth?
- What are some tips that can help us develop this sense of naked self-worth?
- You use the concept of burlesque a lot in your work. Why burlesque?
- What advice can you offer women who love this concept, but feel trapped by the expectations of others, and want to change, but don’t want to upend their entire lives?