Life Choreographer – Angels and Burlesque

Lora Cheadle Life Ch

Lora Cheadle Life Choreographer

The Model-Guest: Lora Cheadle – Life Choreographer – Angels and Burlesque

When I started the Billionaire lifestyle podcast and blog, my backing thought was to show people there is more than one method of living.  Pushing forward the notion, anything is possible and available to each human being. However, changing mindsets ca be difficult, in the current flow of thinking for human beings. It has been a true blessing finding individuals who discovered or fundamentally understood life is not finite in navigation. Lora Cheadle is the pentacle model for the Billionaire Lifestyle audience.

What had happened was…

Lora literally embodies The Billionaire LifeStyle. She decided early in life practicing law was her calling and pursued law as her career. Lora, having no real experience to draw upon and finding much of the practice of law fit her analytical mind. As time progressed the truth began to reveal this was not the true calling. Sure she could use law practice to exploit talents she loved, but the human side left her feeling lacking. When I say human side, I am referring to the bickering between humans in conflict associated with lawyers.  Dealing with humans in conflict may not alway be about justice and good faith but the power of wills. Lora had enough.

photo credit: Neuwieser Photokina 2012 via photopin (license)

Changing course

Becoming a lawyer is not easy or inexpensive. Lora had a challenge of disappointment on her horizon. Telling her family the capital investment of student loans for law school was an experiment in life and may not be used as everyone anticipated.  Those around her understood the move away from practicing Law was an intuitive and necessary step for Lora to live her life fully.

Lora possessed several innate abilities including intuitiveness, analytical, feminine, physical and masculine, qualities screaming to manifest. Lora understood there was something out in the world which could allow her access to these talents and help people. She founded her own practice helping people to become un-stuck within themselves in . 

Pyramid Fusion helps bring the mind, body spirit connection together in a comprehensive package for clients. Lora’s, by any means necessary approach helps people wherever there are located, via Skype, Zoom, Facebook or telephone. Coaching people back to their center, and unleashing the power of freedom to be how you are and can become.

Lora’s own words

Lora Cheadle – Life Choreographer™ .

Lora Cheadle lives trusting the life of her own truth while guiding others to reveal their forgotten selves and re-choreograph their own lives.  For Lora life is the total package, mind, body, spirit, and connection.  You may be asking what does this mean?

The Understanding of living.

  • Connecting with the Angels guiding use through life.
  • Connecting with life through movement and dance.
  • Listening to your body.
  • Listing to your spirit
  • Connecting with your heart and connecting energy flow.
  • Being in the moment and communicating with the now.
  • Being present.






Life Choreographer - Burlesque

Lora Cheadle Body Shot

The Body Burlesque

Lora practices dancing burlesque under the name Chakra Tease, (based on her knowledge of the chakras. She performs, speaks and teaches all over the US. Her performances have been lighting up the stage at Harrah’s in Las Vegas, the House of Blues in New Orleans as well as other locations across the country. She performs and choreography for D’Sanez Productions.

We spoke extensively about Burlesque and the theory behind the art form. I don’t feel I could do justice to the conversation in writing, but the conversation is in the podcast attached to the post.

To be human

To be human requires working the system we were all given. Working your Trinity is a task each of us were put here to explore and experience. It is not one single thing, action, or motion.  Lora understands we must work the body, the mind, the spirit, and communication to find the most value in living If you are feeling stuck, there is a pry bar waiting to set you free in Lora Cheadle.


Contact Lora Cheadle


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