Leadership Imposter Syndrome – Yollana Shore

Leadership Imposter Syndrome – Yollana Shore

yollana head shot


Yollana Shore is a coach for leaders who want to nail confidence, influence, and impact so they can make a difference and build a legacy. She describes her coaching role as “a combination of sounding board, creative advisor, and personal trainer.”
Her clients see rapid results in their confidence levels and energy, their relationships with people, and their results at work, because she doesn’t just work with “mindset”, she works with embodied leadership intelligence.
Yollana is passionate about social and cultural justice, environmental sustainability, and world peace. She has a specific interest in helping leaders find their passion to make a difference and build their legacy… because, you know, life is short.
Yollana lives in Byron Bay, Australia with her partner and two children.
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Yollana Shore



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