Peak Performance – Inside out Intensive!
Personal changes begin with hardship and living rough patches. The easy time of life doesn’t require evaluation and change, During the easy periods, we are in the flow. Kevin L. Alston has found the key is looking inside ourselves to command the outside world. Our success in an internal process as Kevin stated during our interview.
The human eyeballs are there to let light into our bodies, additionally the eyes can be the source of negative programming. It is up to us to regulate the information that influences our being. Your peak performance or existence depends vitally on the control and acceptance of the information presented from the outside world to your inner being.
The important questions for your success.
- Where are you going
- Not knowing where you honestly desire to go.
- Having a strong commitment to why. What is your reason?
A made up mind can do anything.
Be willing to go the Extra Mile!
Living experience is the guidelines for progression. Often we are living by accident and playing not to lose versus playing to win. These two Dynamics seem similar but are not related.
We have to be willing to commit to our improvement in this world. Little room is available for inaction and commitment. We are all familiar with someone who has stated a goal out loud only to never move to action. Though without action is a moot point, it’s just a dream. You must take control of your life. Get help or ask questions if you don’t know where to start, K.L Alston Enterprises is available to help.
Topics covered during the Podcast Interview. K.L Alston on The Billionaire Lifestyle Podcast.
Audio Player- What holds us back from reaching our goals?
- What role does experiences play in determining our success?
- What is the number one factor that determines how successful we’re going to be?
- What is it about our fears keeping us from achieving our full potential?
- If it’s true that success leaves clues, what new ways of thinking and doing should we adopt in order to be successful?
About K.L. Alston Enterprises
Kevin Alston is a coach, author, and speaker who is a passionate advocate for building success from the inside-out. As a Certified Master Peak Performance Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner and Master Trainer, he has developed an approach called The Inside Out Intensive that effectively marries proven research with real-life application to assist individuals and couples to create stronger, long-lasting, successful relationships. Kevin believes, because “it is not the eyes that see, but the brain”, it is important for people to understand how their thoughts, background, and experiences shape their mental models and therefore their ways of relating to the world and others.