Kay Sanders – Money Mindset for business

About Kay Sanders From her website

Money Mindset for business

Topics during the podcast:

  • Personal Mindset about Money
  • Relationship and Money Prosperity Mindset
  • People in your Life
  • History affecting your future
  • Low energy places.
  • External Programed mindset

kay Sanders headshot

kay Sanders

Kay Sanders story began in 2003 when she was 23, getting married to the man she thought the rest of her life would be spent with, be happy, have a family and live an amazing life. Unfortunately, when I said “I do” and signed the marriage license, I made a deal with the devil.

My life quickly changed to the worse. What I thought would be a happy and fulfilling life turned into a living hell. In 2006 my husband got stationed in El Paso TX and brought me and our son Darian with him, all the way from Germany, just to leave us 2 months later. Feeling lost and alone; in a country far away from home, not knowing a soul, without any support or family, no job and a husband that made it his mission trying to destroy me. I had to make a decision If I was going to give up and move back home or stay in Texas and fight like hell.

I decided to stay and fight.

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The time after my husband walked out on us was the hardest and most challenging time I ever had to go through, but my desire of one day being able to give my son the life he deserves, and myself living a happy and fulfilling life was strong enough to keep moving forward and not to quit until I have the lifestyle I desire.

Because of all the stress, the loneliness, and agony I was feeling, I kept asking myself, is this all there is to life? I started looking for ways to deal with the depression, and the emptiness I was feeling, and I thought to myself, maybe if I start a business where I can work from home, I’ll be able to earn enough to support me and my son and eventually I might even be able to work from home full time so I can be there for my son. I had to figure things out and fast. I went into network marketing while working full time, a very low paying job, trying to build a business because I needed that extra income but if you don’t know what you are doing, that makes it extremely difficult.

Trial and Error

Fasting forward a few years, and a few failed network marketing businesses later, the voices in the back of my head kept getting louder and louder telling me that I am not good enough, that I am a failure, I couldn’t keep my husband and now I can’t even build my own business so I can bring in more income and give my son the life he deserves and should have. I am starting to realize that I really have no idea what I was doing and maybe that’s why the past businesses I tried to build failed so badly. Even though the voices kept telling me that I am not good enough, that I will never make it, I know I can’t give up. I have to keep fighting for Darian, and for myself, and I have to try it over and over again until I get it right.

In 2012 I was offered a position to work on Ft. Bliss for the Warrior Resilience Center, a PTSD Treatment Facility. While working at the WRC I not only learned a lot about PTSD but I also learned a lot about my own struggles and I discovered my desire for helping others who are going through difficult times and this is when I started my coaching business. Initially, I started out as a Holistic Life Coach with the desire to help veterans who suffered from PTSD.

Even though I finally found my passion and something that could make me happy and fulfilled. I still struggled to get my business off the ground. No one knew me and I had no idea how to get my name out to the world. Still, I had no idea about how to actually get clients and grow my business to walk away from my dead-end job.  The job, where my boss treated me so badly it started to negatively affect my health. To top it off, I still had those voices in my head telling me that I wasn’t good enough. A huge question, why would anyone want to work with me, or how can I help others if I’m not even successful yet?  I had to learn,  by finding mentors who could help me get to achieve with my business and walk away from my job. That also included re-branding from holistic life coaching to business coaching because business was more in alignment with my skill set and my passion or as Gay Hendricks calls it…. My zone of genius.

The Breakthrough

Kay Sanders - Creator of PossibilitiesLong story short, I finally found the answers that I had long been looking for it was never about what I was doing or not doing, it was more so about who I needed to become in order to allow success to show up in my life and business. Over the past few years, I took a deep dive into personal development, studied spiritual modalities such as EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, Ho’oponopono, Angel Oracle Cards, became certified as an Akashic Record Consultant, and even discovered my ability to channel higher beings and speak in Light Language.

All this learning and studying has helped me not only discover how I allowed my limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behavior, or “Inner Gremlins” as I like to call them, to hold me back from creating the success I wanted to experience. I discovered that I was living by a whole lot of illusions that I am limited, simply to keep myself from playing much bigger than I had been, out of fear that I am not ready, that I am not good enough to create this dream I had.

Most importantly, it has allowed me to find myself, to reconnect with my true, divine self, the side of me that has been buried beneath all the limitations I thought I had. I needed to “come home”.

If you have experienced this “coming home” you will understand what I am referring to.

All the lessons I learned along the way, have helped me “become” the person I needed to become to not only allow success but also more money, more clients and abundance to show up in my life.

Now I incorporate all that I have learned to help conscious entrepreneurs find that missing piece to make their business a huge success, so they can make a big impact in the world and create more freedom in their life. This includes their online presence, marketing strategies, sales process, mindset work, and I also help them implementing effective systems and strategies to design a profitable and sustainable business model to create the business of their dreams.

Divine Awakening

2016 was the year my life took a turn as I had my very first awakening. I did not know what to do with it all. I felt so lost as I discovered more and more of my divine gifts, at times I was so overwhelmed, even reached the point of almost throwing in the towel and close up shop. It was in those moments of struggle, frustration, and feeling a whole lot of things I didn’t know what they meant. Fortunately, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, I realized that the abilities I was given are not a burden, but more so a gift that will allow me to make an even bigger impact with the work I am here to do.

A moment of clarity came when my guides spoke to me and shared with me that I am the Divine Messenger, the guide to those who seek answers, and direction. It was then when it became clear to me that I have some big shoes to fill, but I also knew that my struggles, my frustrations, and the challenges I had to work through, and overcome, were all valuable lessons that I was meant to experience to help others, who like myself ones, are looking for the roadmap, the direction of making a bigger impact, and at the same time living a life of abundance, joy, happiness, and great success.

Life Lessons

The life lessons I have learned out of the struggles I had been through was, that as long as you have a goal in life, and have faith in yourself and your abilities to succeed, anything is possible and it is not about the “doing part” but the “becoming part” that determines your success. You also must not work so hard to “make things happen”, but more so align to your purpose, to who you are, and to what you are here to do. Being in complete alignment, and taking the steps that feel good, that brings great joy, as well as trusting in yourself and your inner guidance is the key to becoming successful. That only when you are in the flow of allowing, amazing things will happen, and it doesn’t have to be hard or difficult.

The Message

No matter what life situation you are in, no matter how difficult and impossible things might seem, anything is possible. … I have faith in you and your abilities, just as much as I had faith in myself and my own abilities to get to where I wanted to be even in those moments where I feared I would not be able to pay my bills the next month. One thing I have learned is that you don’t have to be perfect in order to make a difference in someone’s life. If you set goals, be determined to reach these goals, reach out to mentors that can guide you on your way, develop your skillset, get good at what you do and keep moving forward and most of all trust in yourself and have faith that you will succeed, you will be able to achieve anything in life.

Also, focus more on the “becoming” rather than the “doing” because you can do all the right things, you can invest in all the courses, marketing strategies, books, or the newest technologies that promise you to get you to earn 6-7 figure income in no-time, all these things don’t really matter if your mindset is not in alignment with what you want to accomplish. If you want to become a 6-7 figure earner, then ask yourself, who do you need to become to be this 6-7 figure earner?



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