Karen Purves Author of Gratitude Prompts
Karen Purves is the author of Gratitude Prompts due to be published in February 2019. She wrote the book to show others the power of gratitude to turn your life around. Her first introduction to gratitude was just after she had left her marriage which started a chain reaction of events that would see her homeless a year later. It was a huge shock, how a highly educated person with career success, the MD of a Marketing College could end up, in one year, without a job, a home and even friends stepped aside.
Turning Point
Five years ago, the death of her mother started a new chain of events including with the sudden death of her cherished daughter at just 22. Would history repeat itself? Having practiced gratitude throughout the intervening years, this time, Karen sought the ‘gems in the darkness’ rather than be overwhelmed. The gems lit the path urging her to change countries, do something different with her life and make new friends. The big difference between these two events is purely mindset. 20 years ago, Karen went into free fall unable to understand or foresee where the unfolding events were taking her. Now, she has complete trust that how we respond is the key to what shows up and how events, even ones we are bystanders to, shape us.
Mindset Change
Karen has freedom from many chains that bind us to people, to settle for something less, to living life half-heartedly. She lives in harmony with her environment, is a giver in her community. And attracts goodness into her life. Even financially, Karen is blessed to be in a situation where money effortlessly arrives to fund her whilst writing the book and doing a book tour in 2019. To quote Earl Nightingale in the magic word, “how we are treated by the world is a reflection of our attitude.” This sums up Karen’s life.
Now looking back twenty years ago, she had a great life but wasn’t happy and her thinking showed up in how the world treated her. Today, the world treats her well and that’s down to an attitude change prompted by the practice of gratitude and understanding how the law of attraction works. She read many books, attended so many courses and retreats over the years. It is now her time to step up and be a teacher.
Gratitude Prompts is her first book. There are two more identified and as Karen experiences this new role, the topics will show themselves.
Where is Karen Now?
She lives in Queensland, Australia, known as the sunshine state where there are ~300 days of
sunshine with temperature rarely going below 22 C (71F) She lives on her own in an apartment overlooking the sea. It’s been an adjustment to being a single person of many years as an active mother. Karen has a son living in London. Her hobbies, if you can call them that, are to live life to the max, enjoying the small things like the breeze on the skin, sunrises, birdsong, food on the table and many, many more things. It’s a blessing to be alive.
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