Julian Hayes II – Limitless potential

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Julian Hayes II – Getting back to Peak performance

Head-shot of Julian Hayes II

Head-shot of Julian Hayes II

Limitless potential

Have you had the life-changing moment of making a change in your life for the better?
Julian Hayes the II had that moment early in his life after being introduced to the premise Age is number but a marker of time of earth.
After noticing an elderly gentleman run circles around younger men, he began to question his path to longevity and productivity.
Julian decided to do something early in his life, which many humans require at least half a lifetime to understand.

What are you putting inside?

The big question Julian has is, What are you putting in your mind, body, and spirit. The journey revolves around the time we live. Julian as well as I understand we have the ability to live much longer than was historically possible. Human longevity is expanding as we progress through time. No is the time to connect to the positive knowledge and life exploration available to us.

We are all unique.

Each of us is a very particular being. As we are very different but the same biologically, one size does not fit all. According to Julian, we must discover the properties related to diet, exercise and understand which specifically resonates with our own biology.

Julian and I have a kindred experience from traveling outside of the United States. Americans by and large rarely travel outside the continental US.

A few items to consider in your own life to unlock your potential.

Get at least 7-8.5 hours of sleep.

Many American are sleep deprived. We consistently are trying to juggle family duties, working outside the home and social performance pressures. Sleep deprived people suffer many performance issues, depression, anxiety, and the largest factor is a failure to lose weight or maintain proper body mass index.

Julian Hayes II Bio

Julian Hayes II is an author, high-performance health & sleep consultant, and most importantly, a believer in limitless human potential. After deciding to leave the pursuit of medicine behind after one year to pursue an even bigger dream, Julian started the Art of Fitness & Life where the mission is to help entrepreneurs and high achievers create more energy with predictability so they can make a bigger impact and operate with an unfair advantage in business and life.
In addition to helping clients in his private wellness & concierge practice, Julian has a weekly column at Inc along with frequently appearing at places such as Entrepreneur, Success, Bodybuilding.com, and many others.
To contact Julian Hayes II 
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