Joyce Fields – Best way to keep a Man

Joyce Fields – The Wisdom of Mothers

Author of 8 independent books Joyce Field

Joyce Fields

a self-published author of 10 books, nine different genres (memoir, parenting, relationships, children’s education, bullying, fairy tales, quotes, health, spirituality).
She and husband have been together for 62 years (since we were both 13 years old!); married for 52 years.

This is one of those must listen to podcasts if you are still breathing.

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Joyce is the voice of wisdom, not from reading books or attending seminars. Her wisdom is from straight experience, and collected knowledge from generations past and current. We are missing voices like Joyce in society today. I understand some may say it’s old fashion, but before the internet began to sway people from their community for influence, this was how it was done. We all had mentors and wisdom passed on to us. Joyce is the wisdom I remember receiving from my elders throughout my life, which I don’t see shared any longer. The reason I may not witness the passing down of wisdom in today’s world maybe because of the deaf ears the information falls upon.

We spoke largely regarding family and relationships during the podcast stemming from the titles of her books. The keen sense for me is Joyce Fields is of my departed mother’s generation. Joyce as was my mother were witness to things we can only imagine or read in history books since they lived through most of the history we seek to understand.

As an African American woman, Joyce brings forth a perspective that may seem raw to modern listeners, but her information is so universal and may be applied anywhere on earth. The information is a great value for any human being on this planet. We covered so many topics and I plan to have her on the podcast again to deep dive on some modern topics.

I love her book titled The best way to keep a man is to let him go, that is an old statement that is still worth its weight in gold, and it applies across the board.

Topics during the Podcast

  • Bullying
  • Sex and STD’s
  • Relationships
  • Values for children
  • Values for parents
  • Family values
  • Quotes to live by
  • Men and Women Relationships


About Joyce

Joyce considers  herself to be a relationship expert and wrote a book entitled, “The Best Way to Keep a Man is to Let Him Go (among other things).” After conversing with Joyce on the podcasts I have to agree, she has accumulated life of knowledge. Family is a big theme in her repertoire of books.

As an 8-year breast cancer (stage 2) survivor and a 7-year stroke survivor.  One of Joyce Fields books is titled, “A Breast Cancer Journey to GREATER Joy!  Taking the fear and mystery out of a breast cancer diagnosis.”
How to keep a man book Cover

How to keep a man book cover

Joyce Field Author Page

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