Interview with Sasha Laghonh of Sasha Talks – Money Is Just A Tool

Sasha laghonh

Listen to the interview and conversation!

Have you ever had to make a decision in life and can’t make a logical decision. For the life of you, there is a sense of being stuck in making a decision. Then you surrender to the greater power of yourself and “go with your gut”, follow your intuition. That intuition is what Sasha Laghonh (Pronounced Lago) utilizes in here business. She help people to get in tune with the life, living and business situations via intuition. Having a deep connection to each of her senses provides a scope of awareness many of us just don’t tap into  daily, weekly or almost never.

I had a very interesting and enlightening conversation with Sasha covering a range of topics from how to get an answer to you problems and taking action, which many people fail to do. You have to have action to resolve our human issue. One of our chief topics is living intentionally by living and embracing the journey of life versus so diligently trying to hit the end goals be them personal or otherwise.

Currently working on her soon to be released self published book titled “Kashing Karma, going from jobless to Abundance” has kept Sasha busy including here other projects such as her website and her various endeavors found on her website.

Kashing Karma by Sasha Laghonh

We have to understand sometimes we live too much in our “Monkey Brain” and understand the greater power we all command.

Sasha is equipped to provide her clients with:

  • Spiritual counseling
  • Business planning
  • Marketing
  • Professional development and operations

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