What does small college town with the population of less than 40,000 do with a Co-working space? The answer is, build a community.
I began hearing about Co-working spaces in 2009 after the financial collapse of 2008. I was one of those people directly impacted by the wall street crash and found myself in the “go and get it economy” to move forward for my family financially.
Come full circle to 2015 with a different life and location I find myself in a Meetup in Valparaiso Indiana, a small college town south-east of Chicago’s south side about 50 miles tops. There is encounter a group comprised of mostly 25-35 year old and a smaller representation of the over 40 crowd. The reason for the meeting is to network and find people with a common spiritual interest in progress on a personal and business level. I am referring to the Valparaiso Indiana Downtown Professional meetup group, help approximately once a month in various locations around The Downtown Disney like Valparaiso Indiana business area.
This is where I meet a very open guy, Eric Zosso who seems to be connected to everyone I can see. He has rapport with each living entity in the room. As we are introduced I immediately understand why. You can’t help but understand his genuine nature as it is a part of his outward DNA.
Other the next year we keep in contact and even have dinner to trade ideas and thoughts. Early on as I was formulating The Billionaire Lifestyle, I knew had to involve Eric in some fashion. With quick meeting I set up an interview while looking for clues during a meetup treasure hunt at the Porter County museum.
I want to thank Eric for sharing his time to be a part of The Billionaire Lifestyle Podcast.
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