I seem to have stumbled upon a kindred spirit in Alexa Von Tobel, in that we have to favorite thing we share. NBC’s the Biggest Loser television show and Personal Finance. For most of us, our historical education concerning personal finance is as described in the TED Talk. I have share the video in this blog post for the world to see as I believe hearing the same message from several points of view are critical.
Alexa von Tobel at TEDxWallStreet
There is absolutely no clear logical reason why many Americans should be suffering the financial status before us. If greater number of the American public were educated in optimal personal finance, it may be far easier to hold accountable external forces, municipalities, and factions placing influence upon our life, and the global condition.
It is true a mass eduction is in need for personal finance for the public at large, especially with rising cost and an economy that seems to be as stable as Midwest weather in the Spring season.
What I find really strange is the lack of conversation concerning personal finance, it a taboo, equal to speaking about bathroom habits at the diner table. We have to educate ourselves, our Family and especially our children about personal finance. The future of our country and world depend on it.