greenCow Pace

Entrepreneur help – greenCow Pace

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Green Cow Pace


greenCow Pace Mission Statement:

Help for Entrepreneurs and Solopreneures to grow their operations.

greenCOW PACE  is an organization who seeks to equip people, businesses, and organizations that want to help others with strategies and tools that enable them to do business differently. We offer mentoring, training, and support both online and through live events.

Lee Watson and Miranda Morley along with the help of countless others have created an online space to help you along in your business.

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Lee and Miranda headshot

Lee Watson and Miranda Morley of greenCow Pace

Co-founders Lee Watson and Miranda Morley developed greenCOW PACE out of a shared desire to support those seeking to make a positive impact. The mainstay is focusing on peace and kindness.

Lee Watson

Throughout the last 40 years, Lee Watson has founded several companies and participated in ventures within construction, real estate, and technology spaces. His personal mission is to be used by God to change lives.  The quest for Lee is to finish here on Earth as a good and faithful servant.

Miranda Morley

To be honest, I have first-hand experience with Miranda.  She is a poet, professor, and personal branding expert. Drawing  10+ years of academic research in writing and communication to help professionals transition into more fulfilling careers. Her personal mission is to help people love what they do.

Then and Now

The organization of greenCow started in Northwest Indiana ( Near Chicago, IL) as a co-working space but morphed into a different organization, providing better community and tools for entrepreneurs. With the change came a different physical facility, but one having a farther reach as the focus in now online.

The presence is mainly on Facebook with actual mentoring relationships developing from the Facebook group.

greecowPace (Prepare to Achieve Confidence as an Entrepreneur)

There are several options for free and a very nominal fee to join the group(s) as a member. The free option provides the opportunity to navigate and become familiar with the landscape and operations.  I suggest visiting the Facebook group and ask questions regarding how greenCow Pace may provide value in your business life and future.


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