Finding Creative Mojo – Leslie Nolan

Finding Creative Mojo with Leslie Noland of Nolan Design

I was wondering how my interview, finding creative mojo with Leslie Noland of Noland design was going to pan out. Let’s say if someone tells me they can help me get my MOJO back working, I’m suspicious. Usually, the mention/thought of therapy or other methods to will get you back into the groove of being yourself comes to mind. Leslie has a different approach, being an artist of high emotional and spiritual intelligence, bringing alternate methods to the forefront to help people. What I did not expect was such a down to earth conversation about finding one’s own center by tapping the creative power we all have available. 

My sense of the world gives me the feeling we are emotional cerebral society. Humans justify emotional responses with cerebral logic. Basically, we live too much in our heads and forget the true message delivered by the heart. The cerebral mechanism seems to have has taken over our globe connection process, and the world needs people like Leslie to remind our consciousness there are alternate methods for connecting with the eternal self.

Creative Mojo From Leslie Nolan

Creative Mojo

Leslie Nolan is an entrepreneur, visionary artist, motivational speaker and founder of Leslie Nolan Design. She works with creative entrepreneurs who have lost their mojo and inspirational vision. Helping entrepreneurs reclaim their power so they fronted the courage to create their Great Work.

Leslie Noland Noland DesignFindingcreative Mojo

Leslie Noland Noland Design Finding creative Mojo

Leslie Noland’s years of experience and success radiates when, she speaks on vision, mojo. She relates creativity and consciousness are made manifest through the inquiry of Intentional Creativity. She inspires pathways to problem-solving, creative break-through and fosters healing and clarity as inspired in the lecture, lab, studio, or workshop. Through the magic of painting, she helps clients uncover their true genius.

Leslie’s History

A graduate of Pratt Institute. Leslie is seasoned graphic designer and marketer of Nolan Design, which is an award winning graphics studio for over thirty years. Her natural visionary talent and the ability to conceptualize has been a source in growing her own business, along with those of her clients. It sparks her intention to help other entrepreneurs navigate their personal power and inspirational vision.


She mentors and shares her knowledge, giving workshops, visiting schools and colleges. Teaching privately and assisting online educational programs to a worldwide audience is a passion of Leslie’s. Her Intentional Creativity teaching has inspired adults and children.  The enrichment classes span the scope in healing centers. She works with the Spring Lake School system, International Consciousness Research Laboratory, Big Brother’s Big Sister’s of Monmouth / Middlesex County, as well as private mentorships.

The Works

Leslie is a Contemporary Symbolist, whose visionary paintings have been showcased at The United Nations World Conference for Women Against Violence. The Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City brought her group to participate in a collaborative art project for The Draftsmen’s Congress with Pawel Althamer.
Her work has been showcased at The Reiki Way Healing Center, Her Church in San Francisco, and Wetherholt Gallery in Washington D.C. and galleries throughout New Jersey.

Leslie holds space for others to create. She dreams of building a retreat and workshop studio in her backyard– The Sol Barn. Her intent is to harness solar-power energy and channel inspirational energy. She taps within courageous hearts to empowered creative entrepreneurs towards their great work. Leslie lives with her husband and their adopted son and works from her home studio at the Jersey Shore.


Leslie Nolan Design website


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