Fake News Birth| Media Bias and Infotainment

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The interview with John Daly is the most eye-opening education you can receive without paying.

Don't Believe the HYPE! Media Bias Uncovered

Don’t Believe the HYPE!
Media Bias Uncovered

Fake News Birth, Media Bias, and Infotainment

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

The birth of fake news has been a long time coming. We are the products of that which we seek. America is the land of diversity and very much locked into tribal mentality.  On the website the insider, there is a very goo article listing the 11 Nations of the United states. The 11 nations of America article is a very good read gauging Fake news media bias and division in the country go hand in hand. Find the article at http://www.businessinsider.com/the-11-nations-of-the-united-states-2015-7 .

Fake news and the directed news information is not a new phenomenon. We started to segregate our personal information when Talk Radio was popularized in the 1980’s and 1990’s.  These platforms were the doctors of spin for a core audience of individuals listening to branded information.

John Daly became one of the early pioneers regarding the current medium considered as infotainment with his television show Real TV which began in 1996.

John Daly

John Daly

Bio John Daly was taken from Informed Not Inflamed:

John Daly is a journalist, news anchor, writer, author, spokesperson, and TV host.  He is best known as a pioneer in reality TV for hosting the ground-breaking show Real TV, the first all-video news magazine show.

Daly’s skills as a host, a writer, and an interviewer have led to one thing: solid audience ratings.  He has consistently increased audience share on any TV show or newscast he anchored.

Real TV, distributed by Paramount Domestic Television, achieved the highest first year ratings of any show.  Within two years, the all-video show was attracting more than 4 million viewers a night.  Real TV also brought Daly an international reputation since the show was seen in all English-speaking countries around the world.

As the host of the Billionaire lifestyle, accurate information is vital. Accurate information is the most important factor for providing adults with tools to make a proper decision regarding their life and living situations. Without accurate media information as a nation, community or individual our ability to make sound decisions are sabotaged.

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Truth Hurts

During our conversation, John Daly pointed out how we have reached a point of being comfortable or being correct seem to be far more important than being informed. Somehow we just want our opinions, be they correct or incorrect validated. in a nutshell, our population has resided to the entertainment platform for news versus fact-checking journalism. The evidence is clear too much information is too much. Information is so plentiful, where we cannot distinguish fact from fiction. The 21-century living construct is being connected to the entire world constantly. I see how we could be thought of as living in The Matrix where there is so much information presented as real, where nothing is concrete and tangible.

Show me the Money

The structure of media has morphed into a vehicle to make money. Television is a for-profit business. Television and media, in general, make profits by selling advertisements. If these entities cannot place eyeballs on the advertiser’s products, they die. What would you do if you have a dwindling customer base, due to freedom of choice ( Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, Vice News), and the expansion of options for the consumer who is your audience?

Reality TV did not help!

The growing popularity of “Reality TV” fueled the fire.  It is synonymous to equating Greco-roman Olympic wrestling to The WWE. Where are the players look as though they are on the same field, but in reality, the scenario’s are the exact opposite. We have accepted reality and Fake news as one big soup  at face value television

The Fairness Doctrine Abandonment. (From Wikipedia)

Much of this movement away from fact checking in media came about, in 1985,  the when it was believed the Fairness Doctrine “hurt the public interest and violated free speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.”

The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was — in the Commission’s view — honest, equitable, and balanced.


In 1949, the Mayflower Doctrine, which had forbidden editorializing on the radio since 1941, was repealed.[5] This made way for the Fairness Doctrine.[5] The 1949 FCC Commission Report served as the foundation for the Fairness Doctrine. It established two forms of regulation on broadcasters: to provide adequate coverage of public issues, and to ensure that coverage fairly represented opposing views.[6] The second rule required broadcasters to provide reply time to issue-oriented citizens. Broadcasters could, therefore, trigger Fairness Doctrine complaints without editorializing. The commission required neither of the Fairness Doctrine’s obligations before 1949. Until then broadcasters had to satisfy only general “public interest” standards of the Communications Act.[7][8]

The doctrine remained a matter of general policy and was applied on a case-by-case basis until 1967, when certain provisions of the doctrine were incorporated into FCC regulations.[9]

In a 1969 textbook case, the United States courts of appeals, in an opinion written by Warren Burger, directed the FCC to revoke Lamar Broadcasting’s license for television station WLBT due to the station’s segregationist politics and ongoing censorship of NBC network news coverage of the US civil rights movement.[10]

Fairness Doctrine – Wikipedia

The Fairness Doctrine

Fake News Definition ( From Wikipedia)

Fake news is a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation, be it via the traditional news media or via social media, with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically.
Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news[1][2]) deliberately publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation purporting to be real news—often using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect.[3][4][5] Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead rather than entertain readers, often for financial or political gain.[6][4] Such sites have promoted political falsehoods in Germany,[7][8] Indonesia and the Philippines,[9] Sweden,[10][11] Myanmar,[12] and the United States.[13][14][15] Many sites originate, or are promoted, from Russia,[3][13][16] Macedonia,[17][18] Romania,[19] and the United States.[20][21]

Fake news – Wikipedia



InfoTainment Definition:

 1. broadcast material that is intended both to entertain and to inform.


Here is what you can do to educate yourself.

  • Read more books Fiction and Non-fiction
  • Look at several sources on Television
  • Audible books
  • Listen to your peers and engage in conversation, find their why.
  • Make friends with someone of different views.


John Daly Connections:

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