Physician helps brain-injured teen recover using oils from fish & hemp
Doctor Says Keeping Your Brain Properly Oiled Can Help Beat Depression & Anxiety An interview with Dr. Michael D. Lewis, Director of the BrainCARE Clinic in Potomac, MD, and Founder of the Brain Health Education and Research Institute.
Medical Pioneer – Brain health, recovery and mood.
Dr. Michael D. Lewis, One of the medical community pioneers in the clinical use of essential fatty acids for the treatment of concussion and traumatic brain injury says that oil containing the compound CBD extracted from agricultural hemp is proving to be an effective nutritional intervention for lifting bouts of depression and anxiety and which usually follow head injuries. CBD, formally known as cannabidiol is one of over 100 chemical compounds found in both marijuana and agricultural hemp able to restore normal balance to just about every major organ system in the via the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).
Several of my patients with lingering post-trauma depression and anxiety
have reported a life-changing improvement to their emotional state after
supplementing their diets with hemp-derived CBD oil, says Dr. Michael D.
Lewis, Director of the BrainCARE Clinic in Potomac, Maryland. Dr. Lewis
says most patients report an elevation in mood within 20-30 minutes after
consuming 30 mg of hemp-derived CBD to their daily diet.
The Science
Dr. Lewis’s nutritionally focused protocol for treating brain injury using
omega-3 fatty acids gained international attention in 2010 when he was
contacted by the parents of Bobby Ghassemi, a 17-year-old high school student who had suffered a massive, near-fatal head injury as a result of an automobile accident. Having been comatose for two months and given little chance of recovery by hospital doctors, after two weeks of receiving daily mega-doses of fish oil via a feeding tube Bobby was able to emerge
from his coma. Three months later, he felt well enough to attend his high school graduation. The story of Bobby’s recovery was broadcast internationally by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
Dr. Lewis says even though Bobby had made huge strides in regaining his speech, memory, and motor skills, five years after the accident he was continuing to struggle emotionally and socially with feelings of anxiety and depression.
At that time I came across a clinical study entitled Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders in the medical journal Neurotherapeutics. The study’s authors concluded that there was evidence that strongly supported CBD’s use in the treatment of a variety of
anxiety-related disorders. After doing additional research on CBD, I contacted Bobby to see if he’d be willing to try it, and he was, says Dr. Lewis.
14 Days
Two weeks later, Dr. Lewis received a phone call from Bobby and his family. They informed Dr. Lewis that Bobby no longer felt depressed and anxious and that he had stopped taking his anti-depression medication. Bobby also told Dr. Lewis that he had set himself a goal to walk without a cane, and most surprising of all, that he had even asked a girl for her phone number.
I started out suggesting CBD for just a handful of brain injury patients, but now hemp-derived CBD supplementation in addition to fish oil has become part of our clinic’s basic protocol for treating all brain injuries and lifting the mood. says Dr. Lewis.
Neither omega-3s nor CBD is a cure for TBI, ADHD, depression, or anxiety, but by feeding the brain what it needs to function optimally we assist each brain to rebuild itself and heal as best it can. For the patients introduced to CBD from hemp for the first time, this usually translates
into, per their own statements, a life-changing experience.
Contact Dr. Lewis