Death is an illusion – Martinus via Else Byskov

About Else Byskov


Else Byskov is an international authority on the ground-breaking work of Martinus (1890-1981), the Danish philosopher, visionary and mystic. Else has written 6 books covering profound aspects of Martinus’ worldview.

The spiritual science of Martinus is spiritual nourishment for us, living here right now, in modern societies with a scientific outlook. It answers all the big questions and appeals to our intellect.

You can read more about Else´s books on  and

Else is also a passionate hiker and best-selling author of hiking books about Andalucía, where she lives. She has been a vegetarian for 18 years and detests all kinds of cruelty.

Else has university degrees in Spanish and English philology and she mostly writes in English.

You can find all the books here:

The Journey of Else Byskov to Martinus

Talking Points

  • Else at 45 years of age has a life epiphany.
  • Prior was trying to survive life in one existence.
  • had an affinity for Spain the climate and nature along with her husband and family.
  • Father died when she was 15, and could not morn because it seemed incomplete and he was just in another place.
  • Encountered Martinus material and changed her life.
  • Martinus changed her lens of life and began to understand life is an illusion.
  • People think they are identical to their physical body.
  • The physical body is an instrument for consciousness. (Thoughts emotions and experiences).
  • The Aura and energy field is a better representation of our spiritual being.
  • The Aura is the eternal energy field, the energy field is who we really are. The body is the instrument and may become useless to the energy field at the time we expire on this plane.
  • Energy does not die but transforms.
  • The energy field rest after we die on earth and reincarnates and continues its evolution.
  • Every living being reincarnates.
  • Passing pulls the spirit, has a rest on the spiritual plane, the Spiritual rest period depends on the age the age of the body at the time of the spirits departure.
  • The spiritual body operates on a particular wavelength, which depends on your thoughts.
  • Positive or negative thoughts direct your life Karma and path.
  • The spiritual energy according to Martinus, requires a small amount of physical matter to begin the manifestation, such as a fertilized human egg.
  • Couples attract spiritual beings from high energy states of lovemaking.
  • Three parties in bringing forth life, Male, female and spiritual being.
  • Talents are carried over from pe=revious life from the spiritual being.
  • The law of Karma work itself out through this life, past lives and future lives.
  • Karma does not travel in a straight line but always returns to the point of origin.
  • We are undergoing a process of perfection, move from the animal kingdom to the unfinished human to the finished human being i.e Jesus or ascended master.

The universe is ruled by the strictest of judgment, rules, and laws.

Death is an illusion

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One comment on “Death is an illusion – Martinus via Else Byskov

  1. Winston Finlay says:

    Thank you Emmitt for the interview from Else.
    I reckon Else did brilliantly to open the doors for EVERYONE to the work of Martinus!
    Less than 40 minutes to give an insight to something so huge is a tall task! Very well done, Else!
    It was through Else I personally became aware of the Martinus material and I have experienced the same reaction to it as Else has so eloquently described in this interview! It is transforming.
    Please allow yourself to devote some of your time to explore this material. What have you got to lose?


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