Coach April Ria Qureshi-Davidson Adult Meditation

Coach April Ria Qureshi-Davidson



Coach April Ria Qureshi-Davidson

Coach April Ria Qureshi-Davidson

Meditation is the key to living

  • Meditation Introduction
  • 3 Minute Method
  • Belly Breathing
  • Negative experiences
  • The Adult Child Mind
  • Alpha brain waves

How April came to her Mediation Now

April found an escape power when she was a child when tense moments occurred in her home. Later as an adult, she studied Aikido, and while in the Dojo she experienced a calming effect due to the opening meditations prior to her lessons.  We had a wonderful conversation related to relaxation and methods to reach the relaxation state of being.

About April and Coach April Ria

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April Ria Qureshi-Davidson is a certified professional coach, yoga + meditation teacher, award-winning entrepreneur, writer and speaker.

As a coach, April brings innovation and vision with fearless energy to everything she touches. She is a dynamic leader and creative force who has a strong ability to connect and intuit a client’s needs and deliver results. April has a solid foundation in entrepreneurship, team building, and leadership.

April helps people design values and vision-based lifestyle using an innovative approach combining the modern art of coaching and the ancient yogic teachings to bring intuitive awareness and massive transformation to your personal growth. April works on all levels of mind, body, heart, and soul to go beyond the story and unlock your potential for an abundant life.

April serves on the board of 100 Women Who Care Sunshine Coast and is passionate about giving back through organizations like Create Change and Sunshine Coast Youth Soccer Association. April is a member of eWomen Network Vancouver and Lean In Canada Vancouver.

April’s outgoing style finds her having fun with family and friends at the beach, practicing aikido, playing soccer, pumping iron in the gym, and relaxing in her garden. April’s daily practice of yoga and meditation keeps her grounded and centered as she balances life in Gibsons on the rugged Sunshine Coast, near Vancouver BC Canada. Ria lives with her 2 amazing kids, husband extraordinaire and Tiger-Lily, the cat. You’ll often find April with her nose in a good book.



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