Chris Miles | Money Ripples | Lose and Regain

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Chris Miles | Money Ripples | Lose and Regain

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Chris Miles Podcaster and Financial Guy

As founder of Money Ripples, host of The Chris Miles Money Show, and co-author of the book Entrepreneur on Fire, Chris Miles is a leading authority on quickly creating wealth by increasing monthly cash flow and creating passive income.
He has shown hundreds of thousands internationally how to free up or generate tens of thousands of dollars each year! Chris has been featured in US News, CNN Money, and and has a reputation for getting his clients fast, proven results. Many of his clients have the option to retire in less than 5-10 years,and Chris himself was able to retire twice by age 39! Chris’s passion is helping entrepreneurs, and high-income employees become financially prosperous by finding and fixing their money leaks and creating passive income.

Chris and his family live in Utah, but enjoy escaping to warmer weather during the winter months. In addition to helping his clients increase their cash flow, Chris is a talented ballroom dancer, choreographed ballroom dance routines for Utah Valley University, and got 5th place in his third-grade spelling bee.

Podcast Interview

During my podcast conversation with Chris, we uncovered the journey from building a business losing it all, and returning to a positive one.  Chris found his path to be financially independent at a young age after looking closely at the people working around him in Financial planning. The question, driving Chris while working as a financial advisor was why are my senior colleagues not financially independent?

Most of us in the industrialized world have the belief Financial advisors are the gurus of money. In truth, it’s a job. There are some wonderful and helpful financial advisors in the world today, but at the end of it all, you are the best person to educate yourself.  having the epiphany about his future Chris Miles decided to dedicate his life to finding the true value of worth, money, and value to others.

Preto principle

During his rollercoaster ride towards financial freedom, Chris discovered how to put the 80/20 rule into practice with his own business. During the podcast interview, Chris states how he took it a step further. Once he isolated his 20% of customers who were really helping his business, he doubled down again with niching down that 20% to 20 % of his initial results. His findings were conclusive. You don’t have to do as much work as you think to be successful.

Bring Value & Help Others

There is an old saying circulating for some time now, to sustain you like in business find a problem requiring a resolution for people. If we think about the modern successful business, the basis of their mission statement is solving a problem in the world for people. Those people will in turn happily pay you to solve their pain point. It is all relative, if you have hayfever you are grateful to pay someone to mow your lawn.

Where to find Chris Miles

Chris hosts his own podcast  The Chris Miles Money Show if you are interested to further unlock the knowledge he has gained.  He is dedicated to helping others reach their goals and unlock the financial potential you may find within yourself.

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