#METOO is not that new, But Its time to Blossom
The #METOO is as old as society. Accusations of sexual misconduct against Harvey Weinstein was the blow people, particularly women needed to feel some sense of security to come forward with actions against sexual harassment perpetrators.
Caroline Hausner-Carson says the movement is nothing new in the public eye. The difference is now sexual misconduct and sexual harassment is has hit an awareness tipping point, pulling the cat out of the bag.
It’s nothing new
Tarana Burke is in the same circle with Caroline in saying the poll phenomenon is at least a decade old. Both women wrote and outed the situation almost a decade earlier.
Caroline is a native of Germany, migrating to the land of opportunity, but finding the journey a little more difficult than originally anticipated. Migrating to the United States opened a new outlook, bringing new opportunities close to Carolin’s heart helping people with prosperity.
Her book titled Blossom was derived from experiences of sexual violations against her earlier in her life.
There is no I’ll emotions, as Caroline dissected and assessed her situation and found healing she can provide to other individuals.
Blossom Carolin Hauser-Carson
So under the welcome sweeping influence of the #MeToo movement, you’ve found the courage to denounce your sexual harasser. Or maybe you’ve just finally told someone, or simply felt validated by the stories of so many others who experienced what you did. But is it enough?
Statistics show that 1 in 4 women will be sexually abused or assaulted
in their lifetime and will on average be up to 4 times more likely to
develop depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD, drug and alcohol abuse,
eating disorders, relationship problems and physical and/or mental
health issues. And, if unhealed, will not be able to live free, purposeful
and joyful lives.
While #MeToo may give you back your voice, is it enough to bring about
the healing you desire? Will voicing what happened, in and of itself,
repair a stunted life? Can years of self-blame, failed relationships, envy
of perceived “normal” happy women, addictive behavior or other self-destructive thinking or habits be eradicated by merely verbalizing what
happened to you?
No, says Carolin Hauser-Carson, a renowned Humanistic
A psychotherapist with a large and successful practice that helps women
who have been victims of sexual abuse. Getting validation or voicing
your anger is only the starting point.
The key to healing from sexual trauma is “integration.” In the past, women have been taught to process trauma. But, only through integration and letting go can one truly be released from the full energetic impact of it. Processing merely leaves you with a stored energetic impact that leads to emotional and mental distress. Through her 7-Step Blossom Journey, the integration process is completed so that wholeness is restored and normal healthy relationships become possible.
In her book, Blossom: 7 Steps to Sexual Healing, Carolin lays out a simple and very effective 7-week program that brings about the healing necessary to allow women to create the life they truly dream of living.
Blossom stands for:
B: Bring Your Mind on Board
L: Land Within Yourself
O: Open to Your Intuition
S: See with the Eyes of Truth
S: Stretch Beyond Your Limits
O: Own All of Who You Are
M: Meet the World and Your Beloved Wholeness
But Carolin didn’t choose to become a Naturopathic Doctor, Family Constellations Practitioner, Humanistic Psychotherapist, Healer or Women’s Empowerment Expert solely out of professional interest. As she explains in the first half of her book, she was sexually abused, first
by her grandfather from the ages of 3 to 7, and then by her mother’s boyfriend from 11 to 13, in her native Germany. This led to many years of chronic food addiction and eating disorders, a constant sense of alienation, unsatisfying and aborted relationships, financial ruin and self-destructive coping mechanisms. All too commonly adopted by women who have suffered from sexual abuse.
Carolin began her own Blossom Journey on the floor of her bathroom when she realized that
binging and purging would eventually end her life and that the love she sought so desperately
could never be hers unless she changed. And that was the moment she “committed to love itself,” the first step that her clients must take to start the Blossom Journey—to open their hearts to love in all its forms.
Since arriving in the U.S. from Germany 13 years ago with only $7 in her pocket and a passion to help others, Carolin Hauser-Carson has developed a thriving international coaching practice
with women from her home base in Santa Barbara, CA. She has also married her Divine Partner Paul and they are committed to co-creating and advocating, for all, the actualization of
the most pleasure-filled experience life has to offer:
Blossom: 7 Steps to Sexual Healing, $19.95, is available at www.womenintheflow.com and on Amazon.com and Kindle