Cara Judea Alhadeff Part 1 Zazu Dreams

Cara Judea Alhadeff Part 1 Zazu Dreams

Finding a Kindred Spirit

Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle, A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene

A few years ago I came into practicing yoga.  Naked Yoga School really helped me along to understand how the human body movement, along with positions for yoga. especially when you’re a stiff middle-aged person.  This is where Cara Judea Alhadeff has come into my consciousness.

Even though I was just watching the videos and trying to see if my body would get into these various twisted positions something about Cara stood out, and not the fact she was totally nude.  I just could not let go of the idea that this was a broader soul/person than what I was seeing on the screen.  There was not much information I could go on all I knew was her first name was Cara and she taught yoga. Mind you this was a nude yoga video but something was really keen in my consciousness about this person. Performing a bit of research by Googling her name, some time passed, but I did come across a great deal of information about Cara Judea Alhadeff.

In her online bio, I found out that she was a Ph.D., author,  yoga teacher, photographer and activist a mom. Additionally, Cara is a person who is really conscious of the global impacts of our actions as we live our daily lives.

I was actually enthralled but I had reservations.  My largest reservation was how she came into my Consciousness. The yoga videos which I have been watching online in which she was totally nude.  In my mind, I just wanted to get to know this person because of all the works that she has been doing over the course of her life. The internet is the way it is, under certain circumstances, a person may gather attention from some people who are rather unsavory.  I didn’t want to come across that way.  After much deliberation, I decided to reach out and ask her for an interview for the billionaire lifestyle podcast. I initially sent an email and after several months I got a response. We briefly spoke on the phone and set up the interview which I was ecstatic about. Meaning. I just can’t explain how happy I was that I was going to get to interview this very Dynamic woman really reflects kind of a kindred spirit.  Needless to say, two interviews of which the first one is coming out or being presented in this post. I will accompany the information that she is giving me regarding her book Zazu dreams followed by our second interview which will come in a very short time. The rest of the information presented in this blog post is that which was supplied by Cara Judea Alhadeff.

What Cara is to me.

People, this is a very free and conscious being. I am so happy to be able to present her on the billionaire lifestyle podcast. Cara Judea Alhadeff

Let me make one thing kind of clear some of what she represents can be offensive to others when it’s really just the natural state of human beings but then again anybody at any time in this day and age is considered offensive hence “Baby It’s Cold Outside.”

The Alchemy of Intimacy: The Photography of Cara Judea Alhadeff, Ph.D.

      I develop my photographic scenarios by finding natural and architectural sites that I juxtapose to human gestures and psychological states. I then choreograph narratives within these environments. Although the photographs are consciously constructed, the relationships are born out of an improvised collaboration in which the physics of touch, gravity, and balance establish an unfolding performance. My photographic performers simultaneously splay their bodies like a smear, echo, trace of memory, and compress themselves into the present moment. The photograph exposes the viewer to what is unfolding in front of the camera; nothing is manipulated during the analog developing or printing process.

Although I am a photographer, I don’t see my work as strictly photographic, but as sculptural, performative, cinematic. Collaborating with artists, activists, and scholars from multiple disciplines is critical to my working process. I arrange space, objects, and bodies (including my own) in such a way that blur the lines that separate them. This luminescent excess inhabits both the domestic and the animalistic. Characters become hybrids of machine and animal that populate dream-like worlds.

The quotidian in relation to the sensual spectacle sets up a ritualistic narrative—a strewn collision of bodies and space is simultaneously purposeful and haphazard. Through a carnal visual language, these polymorphic bodies are engaged in ambiguous ceremonies. I explore the body as a membrane between sensuality and restraint, surrender and resistance. My intention is to disrupt the distinction between the interior and exterior of both psychological and physical experiences. Images illuminate a call and response between anxiety and beauty: anxiety in the moment of recognizing the familiar within the unfamiliar, beauty in the moment of responsiveness to our undeniable connectedness, yet clinging to a separate identification. I explore this web as a process of multi-layered storytelling in which ambiguity is not a lack of clarity, but a multiplicity of clarities.

Full Article Artist Statement Cara Judea Alhadeff

Artist Statement-CaraJudeaAlhadeff-FRONTIERS-DOUBLESPACE-EDITED-2018_Final

Cara’s Painting Martin Luther King

Cara Putting in work

Cara and Family

There is more to come as Cara and I had some lengthy conversation. Stay tuned for our conversation regarding Nudity, Masturbation, body image and much more.

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