Anthony Trucks – Making Identity Shift Happen

Anthony Trucks – Making Identity Shift Happen

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Anthony Trucks – Making Shift Happen

Anthony Trucks is a foster kid turned NFL athlete and serial entrepreneur with one serious superpower. Making Shift Happen, no matter what, by accessing the power of identity. After overcoming over 30+ traumatic life events, and navigating the identity shifts that followed, Anthony has come to be known as the leading expert in “Shifting”. Which is making a shift internally, to elevate how you operate externally, which in turn changes your life. With his unique coaching system called “The Shift Method”, Anthony weaves together neuroscience, psychology, technology, and hard-fought life lessons to help anyone with a desire for more in their life achieve any goal they want or have ever wanted.

Anthony Trucks and Eric Thomas



Anthony Trucks is also the Host for  Aww Shift Podcast

Finding identity 

Anthony and I performed a bit of a dive on Identity and branding. The conversation fell into how often, we are at odds with our identity. This could be for several factors, such as living history and our exposure to the world. Additionally, the message we hear as children contributes to who we think we are as adults. Children who have not rooted a relationship with one or more parents may struggle with the identity factor, compounded by the messages our western culture is expounding.

So often, we can look to the birth of our identity based on society’s requirements, one can become lost in the journey in self-actualization. Anthony shared his theory regarding identity-based on his journey of ups and downs through his own life.

In summation with Anthony Trucks: Identity is who you are when you are not thinking about it. “Anthony Trucks” is your base firmware running without you thinking about it.

Sometimes your identity is not who you think you are when you really decide to deep dive for your own sake.

Foster Care and your challenging circumstances do not define you or your identity.

 Based on the information in the podcast interview,  Anthony stated 75% of Foster care children end up in prison. Which seems logical. Individuals who have a challenge finding their connection to the earth and society may have a difficult time when setting a positive identity. Shifting into a positive healthy lifestyle may be more of a struggle for individuals who found themselves in foster care, unless mentored and connected to mentors who have patience and fortitude to really invest in the development and care of those within the foster care system.

Even when a person understands they may not riding the personal wave necessary to feel relatively complete, said individuals may work things out in their favor or make progress.

Life is is a series of peaks and valleys Anthony was no exception. He experienced many of those challenges including meeting his real (biological) father for the first time in college. This could detract from a forming person or add. Anthony seems to have not missed a beat from the encounter.


Drafted to the NFL (NFL stand for Not For Long) after three years he suffered a career-ending shoulder injury. NFL injuries are one of the leading causes of NFL career demise.

A common thought, once a person makes it into one of America’s highest stages of sports such as the NFL, you have it made. The truth is most NFL players have a short career relative to the average American worker. Many sports figures find themselves lost after their sports career ends. Not Anthony he embodied the long journey of Making Shift Happen.

Some of the other life moments Anthony had to overcome were his Mother’s diagnosis with MS, becoming a father early in his life during college and of course a shorter than expected NFL career.

These were all preparation for Mr. Trucks to find his identity and true calling in this life to help people through coaching and public speaking.

Anthony had to find his real message which he thought was related to the popular subject of finding your hustle. When he posed his message to his counsel the message and identity were inched down to the message he spreads today which is the Identity Shift. Exploring Identity shift was another journey requiring deep introspection and exploration. Ultimately Mr. Trucks found home with the subject and the universe help him to bring it to the world.

During our conversation It hit me. I posed the question, “Anthony, What is the difference between identity and branding.”

Paraphrasing his response, Branding Esthetic is the bringing to the life of a brand.  You are the brand!

 A few subjects we covered during the podcast included

  •  Discipline
  • Fake identity versus mass identity.
  • Your identity is not for everyone.


The Book – Identity Shift

Shift happens can be explored at

Shift Happens book cover

Identity Shift by Anthony Trucks


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