Anastasia Button – New Job New Life

Making a Millennial Mentor

Anastasia Button the Millennial who found herself floating for a purpose after graduating college began looking for a job as most graduates. Lacking experience or a direct passion identifying her calling for a workplace. What is a woman suppose to do? Find any job of mediocrity? No, she grabbed the bull by the horns and did what most people when not happy with offered options. She made a way for herself.


Take it to the very top – Roofing, and Sales

Anastasia found herself in a door to door sales position for roofing of all things. While she was the person selling the jobs, it did not mean she was just a sales person. She found herself on more than one hot or cold roof during this period of her life. It was during her stint as a roofing sales person Anastasia began to look towards the future. Never knowing which direction your inspiration will come. During a particular roofing sales job,  Anastasia was literally on a roof, and began contemplating her involvement with Toastmasters International and decided to become a public speaker. It’s that simple, a decision made, actions to follow.



How does one go from roofing sales to an International public speaker? Easy, have faith, research, and belief. After doing some initial investigating into the matter of becoming a public speaker she was informed, publics speaker are typically published, authors.

The Workshop and the Birth of Brand

After attending a writing workshop, Anastasia found it easy to find her messaging niche, and base for the brand. During the workshop, Anastasia was introduced to a publisher who liked the book concept she conceived during the workshop.

Anastasia Button – #NewJobNewLife: The Millennial’s Take-Charge Plan For Success

Free Shameless Self Promotion

Most authors know the easiest part of publishing a book is actually writing the content. Once a physical or digital product has been produced the true work begins. Anastasia’s journey mimicked process.  Writing the book is relatively easy if it comes from your core as Anastasia experienced. After getting the product produced, promotion time is ripe. The best method to promote is to use the Costco method. Give it away A public speaker is born The best way to speak in public is to speak in public. If no one knows you, then it is your job to shout to the world until someone notices. Countless speaking engagements for free to promote her product for helping millennial-seeking to start a business or find their work life path.

Her book titled:

#NewJobNewLife: The Millennial’s Take-Charge Plan For Success

Anastasia Button Author | Speaker | Coach | Millennial Get your FREE downloadable version of the book: Shoot me a text @ 720.232.5988 Schedule an appointment with Anastasia at her website:

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