Heneka Watkis Porter | Entrepreneurial Success

Heneka Watkis Porter, Serial-entrepreneur, Podcaster, Author, Speaker, and Fashion designer.

Jamaican born Heneka Watkis-Porter, Her purpose is life transformation through inspiration. Heneka ventured from working at a 9-5 job that was unfulfilling to starting her own fashion line, writing books, podcasting, and public speaking. Her journey is filled with similar emotions we all may face when trying to find purpose in our lives.

Heneka Watkis-Porter Head Shot Heneka Watkis Porter | Entrepreneurial Success

Heneka Watkis-Porter Patwa Apparel

Just Start

The Book titled: 15 Hints to Entrepreneurial Success

Heneka’s  passion for motivating others through entrepreneurship has led her to start a radio show, now a podcast (The Entrepreneurial You) inspiring people to peak their performance. My book, “15 Hints to Entrepreneurial Success: Lessons From A Caribbean Business Woman”, highlights the things that I identified as instrumental to win in business and life. The most important factor of all the lessons is identifying your purpose.

Even though she knew there was a calling to give back to the global community, starting the project was difficult. Here largest hurdle was simply how to start. Heneka was seeking wisdom which she found via a friend, she was instructed to simply start writing. She began to find her way with the writing the path was revealed.  The main goal Heneka focused her energy was for those people looking to start a fashion business. Once she produced the first set of written works the pathway was clear and more information began to come to her for starting other projects such as speaking and podcasting.


During our interview, gratitude was beaming from Heneka’s being. She reflected how much worry was surrounding her as she ventured away from having the comfort of working a seemingly secure 9-5 job. Constantly Heneka would pray and meditate for guidance and courage to move forward. Drawing on quotes from historically successful people, gave her more strength to move and grow her business.

“The future is bright, the future is NOW! Let’s live on purpose and peak your performance.
Speaking headshot Heneka Watkis Porter | Entrepreneurial Success

Public Speaker Heneka Watkis-Porter

Networking & Finding Capital = Skin in the Game

A major factor is funding a venture, Heneka used grants to fund her business by attending functions and networking. Eventually, Heneka found herself on the right mailing list and crowds. Finding the funds to operate her business came through grants, but the money was not free or complete. Heneka found, before other would invest, she had to have a portion of capital on the table to show good faith. Thanks to her faith and fortitude everything fell into place for her to secure funding.  Heneka learned you have to flexible since business people must be able to pivot and match the changing trends.

15 Hint to Entrepreneurial Success Points.

Part 1

  1. Finding Your Purpose
  2. Defining Success
  3. Evicting Fear
  4. Preparation, Preparation, Preparation
  5. Perspective
  6. Preserverance
  7. Getting & Staying Motivated
  8. Being a river, not a reservoir
  9. Reliability

Part 2 Conventional business

  1. Customer Service
  2. Marketing
  3. Financials
  4. Intellectual Property
  5. Negotiation
  6. Planning

These are the core competencies required to start and maintain a healthy business.


Heneka’s website Here

Facebook Group

Patwa Apparel link


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