The Formula for Miracles

Brent Michael Phillips

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Brent Michael Phillips was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a staggering physical challenge when chronic pain landed him on permanent disability and then his arm became paralyzed after a surgery. After a long battle of unsuccessful treatments, Brent experienced a miracle when he his elbow instantly healed from energy healing.


The Formula for Miracles

In his new book, best-selling author Brent Michael Phillips reveals the hidden science that explains phenomena such as miraculous healings, higher consciousness, and profound life transformations.

To most people, mystical phenomena such as instant healing, intuition, the Law of Attraction, and experiences of higher consciousness such as seeing energy and auras are either considered total nonsense or are reserved for only a few special and naturally talented individuals.

However, the truth is that there is a simple scientific basis underlying energy healing, mind power, and the ascension of consciousness. Quite simply, what we call a “miracle” is just any phenomena which can’t be explained by our current level of science and technology.

Author, healer, and MIT-trained engineer Brent Michael Phillips has dedicated all of his scientific training and engineering experience to discovering and demystifying the science behind instant healings, the Law of Attraction, higher consciousness, and even Enlightenment.

By spending many years studying with the world’s best healers, psychics, gurus, masters, and spiritual teachers, he has slowly reverse engineered and figured out exactly what they are doing!

His new three-book series The Formula for Miracles: Where Science Reveals the Secrets of Spirit shares the “Formula for Miracles” as a simple set of powerful but simple processes that anybody can learn quickly and easily to perform instant healings, subconscious clearing, manifestation, and facilitate profound life transformations, even unlocking the shortcuts to Enlightenment.

In his private healing practice, Brent has used the “Formula for Miracles” technology to facilitate over 1,500 genuine miraculous instant healings on all manners of life challenges, including instantly healing many different diseases and physical disorders (including chronic pain and serious and life-threatening illnesses such as cancer and HIV), conquering mood disorders (such as depression, addiction, and emotional eating), finding love, making more money, discovering one’s purpose, and even the ascension of consciousness towards Enlightenment. As proof, you will find literally hundreds of testimonials on his website from people who have had their lives transformed by his work.

Even more importantly, his students have learned and used these exact same techniques to transform lives and perform their own amazing healings; quite simply, every person who learns and uses the system is guaranteed to see miracles happen.

The way Brent explains it and teaches it, energy healing, mind power, and higher consciousness things that are easy to understand and use for everybody; there is no special talent or training required!

In fact, because Brent had ZERO natural talent for healing or intuition, and he had to learn everything step by step by reverse engineering the masters. As a result, he can train his students to quickly become master healers, no matter what their background or natural talent.

Because he wants to share this knowledge with the people who need it, Brent is making the first two volumes of this series completely free at:

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