Jordan Cooper – Committed Public Servant

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Jordan Cooper – How to be involved in community

Jordan Cooper decided to take the plunge. Quitting his day job at the age of 27 to run for political office as a Delegate in Maryland’s 16th district. The decision was long in the making, with its beginnings stemming from volunteerism as a youth.  Beginning at a very early age Jordan was struck with the bug to help people. Carrying the passion for giving personal resources to those in need, He found himself constantly looking for a place he could make a difference in the community and in the lives of others.

Being an Active Citizen.

Here is the Bio on Jordans about me page. Jordan P. Cooper has been consistently engaged in public service for the past 16 years and has spent 8 of those years being actively engaged in Maryland politics.


Jordan works on Health IT and Health Information Exchange implementing Obamacare for the District of Columbia’s Department of Health Care Finance. Mr. Cooper ran as a Democratic Candidate for Delegate in the 2014 election cycle. Serving previously as the President of the Luxmanor Citizens Association (2013-2014) and currently serves on the Western Montgomery County Citizens Advisory Board, the White Flint Downtown Advisory Committee, the Rockville Selective Service Board, and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Customer Advisory Board. He is an Area Coordinator for District 16 for the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee and is a member of the District 16 Democratic Club Board. Jordan has a master’s degree in health policy from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Vassar College. Jordan was born and raised in Bethesda, Maryland.

What I Learned During The Podcast.

  • Incumbents have a great deal of recognition power.
  • Only about 4%-5% of the total electorate are required to get into elected office. ( Due to low voter turnout). Typical turnout for Bethesda Maryland is approximately 18% actually vote.
  • All politics is local.
  • Voters don’t really care about what policy and change you have made for your political party, but are far more interested in the direct change an individual can make in THEIR community.
  • People vote who they feel personal closeness.
  • Living in the community goes a long way.
  • it is possible to spend $30,000.00 on postage stamps.
  • The campaign funds are strictly for campaign expenditures.
  • being a candidate and being elected are two different beasts.
  • A candidate in a local election can spend $500, 000.00 to $12,000,000.00 for a $43,000.00 + job.
  • Elected delegates are expected to have a job in addition to serving office.
  • There is a great deal of apathy in the voting political process.
  • Local elections are the most important and impactful to an individual American citizen.

My conversation with Jordan.

According to Jordan, The league of women voters website provides a great deal of information concerning candidates running for many political offices. The most impact anyone can have is local elections. Local elections require understanding topics from schools, road, food, water, trash and subject affecting the daily living of most Americans.

The podcast provided an incredible amount of information for anyone seeking to understand the method we should be involved in our political process.  Jordan is passionate about informing the public knowledge for politics. He gives back to the public with his podcast titled The Public Interest Podcast. Interviewing politicians and those involved with the political machine.


Remember it’s your life, you’re the driver.

Now go live The Billionaire Lifestyle.


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2 comments on Jordan Cooper – Committed Public Servant

  1. John Reed says:

    Emmit, you have a little extra you probably had not intended to be included at the end from the 46:45 min marker on.

    Great job! I really liked what Mr. Jordan had to say.

    1. John Reed says:

      I mean Mr. Cooper. Sorry about that.

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