Fix Yourself – Faust Ruggiero


Faust Ruggiero, The Fix Yourself Handbook


The Fix Yourself Handbook presents the Process Way of Life, a step-by-step program that can transform your life into one that is happy, healthy, purposeful, and content. Who we are is the product of the interplay between our physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual attributes. The Process Way of Life’s fifty-two internal processes will help you create a state of internal balance as these four attributes operate together, providing you with a pure loving energy source that will change your life. Learning to understand and love yourself, and to apply your love to others, is the enduring enternal gift of the Process Way of Life.


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The Process Way of Life

The Process Way of Life is the product of more than twenty years of Faust Ruggiero’s research and practical counseling application. It is your guide on an exciting and enlightening life journey that will touch every part of you.

The Process Way of Life creates one of life’s most exciting and wondrous life journeys, and yours is about to begin. For more information about speaking engagements, featured workshops, and interviews, go to


FAUST A. RUGGIERO’s professional career spans almost 40 years, and is diversified and compelling, as it has consistently established new and exciting cutting-edge counseling programs in its pursuit of professional excellence and personal life enhancement. He is a published research author, clinical trainer, and a therapist who has worked in settings that have included clinics for deaf children, prisons, nursing homes, substance abuse centers, inpatient facilities, and as the President of the Community Psychological Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania. In that capacity, he developed the Process Way of Life counseling program and has developed it into the formal text presented in The Fix Yourself Handbook.


Award-Winning Author  Faust Ruggiero – The Fix Yourself Handbook

Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

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